robotology / whole-body-estimators

YARP devices that implement estimators for humanoid robots.
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Wrong estimation of torso pitch torque #195

Open fils99 opened 6 days ago

fils99 commented 6 days ago

Today, carrying out some experiments on ergoCubSN001, we noticed a strange behavior on torso pitch joint. Setup of the experiment:

Below, we show the estimated torque on the torso pitch during the experiment, in which we were driving such joint from a joint limit to the other one, in position control.



It seems strange because the range of variation of the estimated joint torque is quite small, considering that we reach the two limit joint positions. Moreover, it is always positive. In the meanwhile, as we can se by the plot, the current changes sign.

cc @LoreMoretti @GiulioRomualdi

GiulioRomualdi commented 6 days ago

To be fair we also checked the IMU orientation and it seems fine, there is a slight error on the position in the urdf (@fils99, you may link the issue here). But I don't think this is the cause of this issue.

fils99 commented 6 days ago

To be fair we also checked the IMU orientation and it seems fine, there is a slight error on the position in the urdf (@fils99, you may link the issue here). But I don't think this is the cause of this issue.

Here the issue

GiulioRomualdi commented 6 days ago

@traversaro mentioned via teams that we should set the default contact frame in the chest and not in the root link in wbd config file

fils99 commented 6 days ago

@traversaro mentioned via teams that we should set the default contact frame in the chest and not in the root link in wbd config file

So we have to set default contact frame in the chest every time we exclude at least one FT sensor? Or only when we exclude all the FTs?

traversaro commented 6 days ago

The point Is:

The robot was hanging on the crane, without touching ground

If the robot Is hanging on the crane, the external force is on the chest, not ok the root_link, independently from the FTs used.

traversaro commented 6 days ago

It would be easier to understand if we visualized all the external forces published on the contacts:o port, not now but probably we should think of visualized that in some visualizer.

fils99 commented 5 days ago

Trial 1

We tried to put default contact frame in the chest. Below the results:


As we can see from the video, the behavior of the comment above persists. Moreover, with idyntree-yarp-visualizer we noticed also a strange force acting on the left hand of the robot.

Visualizer ![Screenshot from 2024-09-11 13-25-46](

Most likely is the force of traction of the crane on the robot (?), but why is it placed on the hand?

Trial 2


In this case, we are substituting every istance of root_link present in the file with chest (so, not only in the parameter defaultContactFrames).

Below the results


On this time, the behavior of the torso pitch estimated torque seems more reasonable.

Btw, with idyntree-yarp-visualizer we still see the strange force acting on the left hand of the robot. Is it a problem of WBD or idyntree-yarp-visualizer :

Visualizer ![Screenshot from 2024-09-11 13-47-25](
traversaro commented 5 days ago

If you do not have any ft, then the only contact frame should be the chest one.

fils99 commented 5 days ago

So in defafultContactFrames should I remove also l_hand_palm, l_foot_front and so on, right?

fils99 commented 5 days ago

Problem Fixed

Today I modified the config file according to SIlvio's suggestion, and everything seem fine, both in the case of zero FTs considered and also in the case in which we use the feet FTs.

No FTs

Configuration wbd ```xml (torso_pitch,torso_roll,torso_yaw,neck_pitch, neck_roll,neck_yaw,l_shoulder_pitch,l_shoulder_roll,l_shoulder_yaw,l_elbow,l_wrist_roll,l_wrist_pitch,l_wrist_yaw,r_shoulder_pitch,r_shoulder_roll,r_shoulder_yaw,r_elbow,r_wrist_roll,r_wrist_pitch,r_wrist_yaw,l_hip_pitch,l_hip_roll,l_hip_yaw,l_knee,l_ankle_pitch,l_ankle_roll,r_hip_pitch,r_hip_roll,r_hip_yaw,r_knee,r_ankle_pitch,r_ankle_roll) model.urdf (0,0,-9.81) (chest) waist_imu_0 true 2 true false true 3.0 10.0 10.0 3.0 true 0.002 false true root_link waist_imu_0 waist_imu_0 () true root_link (torso_pitch,torso_roll,torso_yaw,neck_pitch,neck_roll,neck_yaw,l_shoulder_pitch,l_shoulder_roll,l_shoulder_yaw,r_shoulder_pitch,r_shoulder_roll,r_shoulder_yaw,l_hip_pitch,l_hip_roll,l_hip_yaw,l_knee,l_ankle_pitch,l_ankle_roll,r_hip_pitch,r_hip_roll,r_hip_yaw,r_knee,r_ankle_pitch,r_ankle_roll) (l_hand_palm,l_hand_palm,root_link) (r_hand_palm,r_hand_palm,root_link) (l_lower_leg,l_lower_leg,root_link) (r_lower_leg,r_lower_leg,root_link) (l_foot_front,l_sole,l_sole) (l_foot_rear,l_sole,l_sole) (r_foot_front,r_sole,r_sole) (r_foot_rear,r_sole,r_sole) head-eb20-j0_1-mc head-eb21-j2_3-mc torso-eb5-j0_2-mc left_arm-eb2-j0_1-mc left_arm-eb4-j2_3-mc left_arm-eb31-j4_6-mc right_arm-eb1-j0_1-mc right_arm-eb3-j2_3-mc right_arm-eb30-j4_6-mc left_leg-eb8-j0_3-mc left_leg-eb9-j4_5-mc right_leg-eb6-j0_3-mc right_leg-eb7-j4_5-mc waist-inertial left_leg-FT_remapper right_leg-FT_remapper left_arm-FT_secondary_calib right_arm-FT_secondary_calib ```
Visualizer ![no_FTs](

With feet FTs


Visualizer ![feet_FTs](


In both the cases analyzed, when the robot is hanging on the crane, the force (and the related moment) are applied in the right place (i.e. the chest)

traversaro commented 5 days ago

Exactly, we can align in person to explain more how wbd algorithm work.

fils99 commented 5 days ago

It's good to me, thanks!