robotology / yarp-device-realsense2

realsense2 device for YARP (
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Document how to make the device detectable by YARP #21

Closed xEnVrE closed 3 years ago

xEnVrE commented 3 years ago

I noticed that the documentation for building the device suggests to make install after the actual build process.

However, I think that this might be incomplete given that the default CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is not necessarily the one compatible with the installation path of YARP, i.e. such that YARP_DATA_DIRS contains a path pointing to the ini file of the device.

In specific contexts, e.g. when YARP was installed as part of the robotology-supebuild, one could also (even if not totally advisable) use <robotology_superbuild_src_dir>/build/install as CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

Do you think it is possible to add some related documentation?

traversaro commented 3 years ago

Sure! If you think worth, you can also take inspiraction or copy&paste some parts from .

xEnVrE commented 3 years ago

Thank you, addressing this in #22