robotology / yarp-device-realsense2

realsense2 device for YARP (
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realsense image rotation method #28

Closed ste93 closed 2 years ago

ste93 commented 2 years ago

I've rotated the image from the driver by iterating on it, but @Nicogene was suggesting to try to flip it with opencv. I would give a try and then publish the results here.

traversaro commented 2 years ago

Cross-link to the discussion to which @ste93 is referring: (@ste93 this is convenient for other users and also for us in the future to found the discussion you are referring to).

ste93 commented 2 years ago

closing since #27 merged

ste93 commented 2 years ago

also as said by marco in is not worth to add opencv dependecy only for this