robotology / yarp-device-realsense2

realsense2 device for YARP (
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Installation instructions for yarpmod realsense2 on Win32 #6

Open randaz81 opened 4 years ago

randaz81 commented 4 years ago

To install the module realsense2, user needs to set the environment variable realsense2_DIR. However, no instructions are provided about what this variable should point to, on both linux and windows.

Nicogene commented 4 years ago

Hi @randaz81!

It seems to me more a problem that should be resolved upstream by Intel if the SDK installer doesn't install the library and include headers where their realsense2Config.cmake try to find it.

Following their installation instruction on linux/macOs, find_package(realsense2) works fine.

I suggest to report them these problems on windows if no one has done it yet.