robotology / yarp

YARP - Yet Another Robot Platform
520 stars 195 forks source link

Compile without gstreamer #1423

Closed diegoferigo closed 6 years ago

diegoferigo commented 6 years ago

If the libraries reported in are not installed, the build fails as follows.

The installed dependencies related to this problem currently installed when this problem happens are:

docker@eee16a264ddd:~/iit/sources/yarp/build_test (devel)> dpkg -l *gstreamer*                                                                                              
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend                                                                                              
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)                                                                                                                  
||/ Name                                  Version                 Architecture            Description                                                                       
un  gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0                  <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)                                                        
un  gstreamer1.0-audiosource              <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)                                                        
un  gstreamer1.0-doc                      <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)                                                        
un  gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad              <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)                                                        
ii  gstreamer1.0-plugins-base:amd64       1.10.4-1ubuntu1         amd64                   GStreamer plugins from the "base" set                                             
un  gstreamer1.0-tools                    <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)                                                        
un  gstreamer1.0-videosource              <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)                                                        
ii  libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0:amd64  1.10.4-1ubuntu1         amd64                   GStreamer libraries from the "base" set                                           
ii  libgstreamer1.0-0:amd64               1.10.4-1                amd64                   Core GStreamer libraries and elements
rc  libgstreamer1.0-dev                   1.10.4-1                amd64                   GStreamer core development files
un  totem-gstreamer                       <none>                  <none>                  (no description available)



-- Found Threads: TRUE  
-- Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen (found version "1.8.13") 
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.29.1") 
-- Checking for module 'glib-2.0'
--   Found glib-2.0, version 2.52.0
-- Checking for module 'gstreamer-1.0'
--   No package 'gstreamer-1.0' found
-- Could NOT find GStreamer (missing:  GSTREAMER_LIBRARY GSTREAMER_INCLUDE_DIR GSTREAMER_VERSION_COMPATIBLE) (Required is at least version "1.4")
-- Checking for module 'gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0'
--   No package 'gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0' found
-- Checking for module 'gstreamer-app-1.0'
--   No package 'gstreamer-app-1.0' found
-- I have found the following libraries:
--  +++ YCM (>= 0.5.1): found (/iit/local/share/YCM/cmake)
--  --- ACE: disabled
--  --- RTF (>= 1.3.3): not found
--  +++ SQLite: found 3.16.2 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  +++ Eigen3: found (/usr/include/eigen3)
--  +++ TinyXML (>= 2.6): found 2.6.2 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  +++ Qt5: found 5.7.1 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5)
--  +++ QCustomPlot: found (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  --- Graphviz: disabled
--  +++ Libedit: found 3.1 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  --- SWIG: disabled
--  --- OpenCV: not found
--  --- Lua: not found
--  --- LibOVR (>= 1.3): not found
--  --- GLFW3: not found
--  --- GLEW: not found
--  --- Libdc1394 (>= 2.0): not found
--  +++ JPEG: found (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  +++ MPI: found (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/
--  --- FTDI: not found
--  --- CUDA: not found
--  +++ FFMPEG: found (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  --- wxWidgets: not found
--  --- SDL: not found
--  --- PortAudio: not found
--  --- NVIDIACg: not found
--  +++ Libusb1: found 1.0.21 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  --- Stage: not found
--  --- ZFP (>= 0.5.1): not found
--  --- OpenNI2: not found
--  +++ GLIB2: found (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  --- GStreamer (>= 1.4): not found
--  --- GStreamerPluginsBase (>= 1.4): not found
-- YARP_math selected for compilation
-- GUIs selected for compilation
-- starting plugin library: yarpmod
--  --- plugin yarpmod_cuda: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_depthCamera: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakeDepthCamera: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakebot: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakeMotionControl: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakeAnalogSensor: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakeIMU: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_nvidia: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_stage: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_vfw_grabber: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_wxsdl: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_SerialServoBoard: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_ffmpeg_grabber: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_ffmpeg_writer: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_opencv_grabber: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_serial: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_serialport: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_portaudio: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_imuBosch_BNO055: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_jrkerr: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_urbtc: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_dynamixelAX12Ftdi: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakeLaser: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_laserFromDepth: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_rpLidar: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_rpLidar2: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_laserHokuyo: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_KinectDeviceLocal: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_KinectDeviceClient: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_OpenNI2DeviceServer: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_OpenNI2DeviceClient: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_ovrheadset: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_pumacalibrator: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_meiMotionControl: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_test_grabber: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_SDLJoypad: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_microphone: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
-- ending plugin library: yarpmod
-- starting plugin library: yarpcar
--  --- plugin yarpcar_human: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_mpi: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_mpibcast: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_xmlrpc: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_tcpros: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_rossrv: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_mjpeg: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_bayer: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_priority: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_portmonitor: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_depthimage: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_zfp: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_h264: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
-- ending plugin library: yarpcar
-- yarpdatadumper: OpenCV not selected, keep on building...
-- yarpdataplayer: OpenCV not selected, keep on building...
-- In-tree includes: /iit/sources/yarp/build/src/libYARP_conf/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_OS/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_sig/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_eigen/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_gsl/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_math/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_dev/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_name/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_manager/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_profiler/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_logger/include
-- YARP libraries: YARP_priv_xmlrpcpp;YARP_conf;YARP_OS;YARP_sig;YARP_eigen;YARP_gsl;YARP_math;YARP_dev;YARP_name;YARP_serversql;YARP_manager;YARP_profiler;YARP_logger;YARP_init
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done


$ make

CMake Error: Parse error in cache file /iit/sources/yarp/build/CMakeCache.txt on line 536. Offending entry: Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gstreamer-1.0.pc'
CMake Error: Parse error in cache file /iit/sources/yarp/build/CMakeCache.txt on line 537. Offending entry: to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
CMake Error: Parse error in cache file /iit/sources/yarp/build/CMakeCache.txt on line 538. Offending entry: No package 'gstreamer-1.0' found
-- YARP Version: 2.3.71 (2.3.71+20171024.15+gitf29bd015b)
-- Using:
--   CMake: 3.7.2 (/usr/bin/cmake)
--   C Compiler: GNU 6.3.0 (/usr/bin/cc)
--   CXX Compiler: GNU 6.3.0 (/usr/bin/c++)
-- Detecting required libraries
-- CMake modules directory: /iit/local/share/YCM/modules;/iit/local/share/YCM/find-modules;/iit/local/share/YCM/build-modules;/iit/local/share/YCM/cmake-next/Modules;/iit/local/share/YCM/3rdparty;/iit/local/share/YCM/deprecated;/iit/sources/yarp/cmake
-- Checking GNUCXX version 3/4 to determine  OpenCV /opt/net/ path
-- OPENCV_LIBRARY not found turning off OPENCV_FOUND
-- OPENCV_CVAUX_LIBRARY not found turning off OPENCV_FOUND
-- OPENCV library or headers not found. Please search manually or set env. variable OPENCV_ROOT to guide search.
-- Checking for module 'gstreamer-1.0'
--   No package 'gstreamer-1.0' found
-- Could NOT find GStreamer (missing:  GSTREAMER_LIBRARY GSTREAMER_INCLUDE_DIR GSTREAMER_VERSION_COMPATIBLE) (Required is at least version "1.4")
-- Checking for module 'gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0'
--   No package 'gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0' found
-- Checking for module 'gstreamer-app-1.0'
--   No package 'gstreamer-app-1.0' found
-- I have found the following libraries:
--  +++ YCM (>= 0.5.1): found (/iit/local/share/YCM/cmake)
--  --- ACE: disabled
--  --- RTF (>= 1.3.3): not found
--  +++ SQLite: found 3.16.2 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  +++ Eigen3: found (/usr/include/eigen3)
--  +++ TinyXML (>= 2.6): found 2.6.2 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  +++ Qt5: found 5.7.1 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5)
--  +++ QCustomPlot: found (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  --- Graphviz: disabled
--  +++ Libedit: found 3.1 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  --- SWIG: disabled
--  --- OpenCV: not found
--  --- Lua: not found
--  --- LibOVR (>= 1.3): not found
--  --- GLFW3: not found
--  --- GLEW: not found
--  --- Libdc1394 (>= 2.0): not found
--  +++ JPEG: found (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  +++ MPI: found (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/
--  --- FTDI: not found
--  --- CUDA: not found
--  +++ FFMPEG: found (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  --- wxWidgets: not found
--  --- SDL: not found
--  --- PortAudio: not found
--  --- NVIDIACg: not found
--  +++ Libusb1: found 1.0.21 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  --- Stage: not found
--  --- ZFP (>= 0.5.1): not found
--  --- OpenNI2: not found
--  +++ GLIB2: found (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
--  --- GStreamer (>= 1.4): not found
--  --- GStreamerPluginsBase (>= 1.4): not found
-- YARP_math selected for compilation
-- GUIs selected for compilation
-- starting plugin library: yarpmod
--  --- plugin yarpmod_cuda: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_depthCamera: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakeDepthCamera: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakebot: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakeMotionControl: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakeAnalogSensor: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakeIMU: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_nvidia: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_stage: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_vfw_grabber: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_wxsdl: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_SerialServoBoard: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_ffmpeg_grabber: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_ffmpeg_writer: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_opencv_grabber: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_serial: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_serialport: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_portaudio: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_imuBosch_BNO055: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_jrkerr: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_urbtc: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_dynamixelAX12Ftdi: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_fakeLaser: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_laserFromDepth: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_rpLidar: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_rpLidar2: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_laserHokuyo: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_KinectDeviceLocal: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_KinectDeviceClient: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_OpenNI2DeviceServer: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_OpenNI2DeviceClient: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_ovrheadset: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_pumacalibrator: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_meiMotionControl: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_test_grabber: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_SDLJoypad: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpmod_microphone: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
-- ending plugin library: yarpmod
-- starting plugin library: yarpcar
--  --- plugin yarpcar_human: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_mpi: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_mpibcast: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_xmlrpc: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_tcpros: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_rossrv: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_mjpeg: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_bayer: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_priority: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_portmonitor: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_depthimage: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_zfp: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
--  --- plugin yarpcar_h264: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)
-- ending plugin library: yarpcar
-- yarpdatadumper: OpenCV not selected, keep on building...
-- yarpdataplayer: OpenCV not selected, keep on building...
-- In-tree includes: /iit/sources/yarp/build/src/libYARP_conf/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_OS/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_sig/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_eigen/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_gsl/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_math/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_dev/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_name/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_manager/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_profiler/include;/iit/sources/yarp/src/libYARP_logger/include
-- YARP libraries: YARP_priv_xmlrpcpp;YARP_conf;YARP_OS;YARP_sig;YARP_eigen;YARP_gsl;YARP_math;YARP_dev;YARP_name;YARP_serversql;YARP_manager;YARP_profiler;YARP_logger;YARP_init
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/iit/sources/yarp/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/iit/sources/yarp/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1
Makefile:834: recipe for target 'cmake_check_build_system' failed

Are these libraries required by all the installations now?

Nicogene commented 6 years ago

They are required if you want to compile h264 carrier, your problem seem related to the CMakeCache.txt.. Have you tried to delete it ? Or to do rm -rf * in the build directory?

diegoferigo commented 6 years ago

@Nicogene thanks for your comment, this happens with a clean build environment in my docker setup (hence it is fully reproducible).

I dug more into my build process and I figured out that the configuring of the project succeeds, is the second configuring which happens as first step of the building project that fails. I updated the first post with further details.

Nicogene commented 6 years ago

But it is strange that it performs the second configuration if the first succeeded :thinking: by the way I don't think it is related to gstreamer or h264 because it is disabled : --- plugin yarpcar_h264: disabled (dependencies unsatisfied)

drdanz commented 6 years ago

@diegoferigo Can you try with YCM disabled?

diegoferigo commented 6 years ago

Yes I agree it is strange. I don't mind having the gstreamer packages installed in my system and I'm living fine with them, I just wanted to report this (low importance) issue for future reference. Feel free to pass at my desk ;)

@drdanz With:


~The second configuring doesn't happen, and all works fine.~ Edit: cleaned the build and it fails with the same error

drdanz commented 6 years ago

Can you please try also CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_YCM=ON?

diegoferigo commented 6 years ago

With that option, the second configuring which happens executing make doesn't happen, all is fine with that.

Nicogene commented 6 years ago

@drdanz is it a YCM bug or yarp bug ? Shall we close this issue?

drdanz commented 6 years ago

YCM bug, the Find files were updated in YARP, but not in YCM... Just leave this open, I will fix it tomorrow...

Nicogene commented 6 years ago

Just leave this open, I will fix it tomorrow... @drdanz :smile:

aerydna commented 6 years ago

fixed by robotology/ycm@3784576