robotology / yarp

YARP - Yet Another Robot Platform
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rpc server send formatted string #888

Closed rlober closed 8 years ago

rlober commented 8 years ago

Hello all,

I have an RpcServer running and when a client is connected and requests the string help I put a formatted string in a bottle and then send that in the reply. Unfortunately when I try to use this functionality from the command line, i.e.

yarp rpc /server_port/rpc:i
>> help

The output is,

Response: "The help string with all escape sequences e.g. '\n' as plain text..."

I assume this is because the yarp rpc tool just automatically calls the toString() method on the reply?

Is there any way to send the string so that the user gets the reply with the formatting? Do I need to define a datatype and overload the toString() method?

Here is the relevant code:

Thanks in advance!

pattacini commented 8 years ago

Hi @rlober

I'd point you to Let's comment further therein, if you'll have other doubts.

Thus, closing here.

rlober commented 8 years ago

@pattacini Beautiful! Thanks man.

for the lazy:


std::string bigString = // Format big string;
replyBottle.addVocab(yarp::os::Vocab::encode("many"));  // The magical command.

Output goes from:

Response: "\n===============\nValid Commands\n===============\nNote: Omit the brackets [] when writing your commands.\n\n[save] [location] - saves all current parameters to a txt file at the specified [location] (defaults to ./).\n[get] [joint_list] - returns a list of strings with the joint labels.\n[get] [no_joints] - returns the number of joints in the part.\n[get] [params] [joint_index] - get all parameter values for a joint index.\n[get] [param_id] [joint_index] - get the parameter value for a joint index.\n[set] [joint_index] [param_id] [param_value] [param_id] [param_value] ... - set the parameter value(s) for a joint index.\n\n  Valid [param_id] values:\n  --> kp - proportional gain (Joint Torque Loop)\n  --> ki - integral gain (Joint Torque Loop)\n  --> kd - proportional gain (Joint Torque Loop)\n  --> max_int - ??? (Joint Torque Loop)\n  --> max_pwm - ??? (Joint Torque Loop)\n  --> kv - proportional gain ??? (Motor Parameters)\n  --> kcp - ??? (Motor Parameters)\n  --> kcn - ??? (Motor Parameters)\n  --> coulombVelThr - ??? (Motor Parameters)\n  --> kff - feed-forward gain for gravity compensation torque (Motor Parameters)\n  --> frictionCompensation - coefficient of friction compensation (0-1) (Motor Parameters)\n"



Valid Commands
Note: Omit the brackets [] when writing your commands.

[save] [location] - saves all current parameters to a txt file at the specified [location] (defaults to ./).
[get] [joint_list] - returns a list of strings with the joint labels.
[get] [no_joints] - returns the number of joints in the part.
[get] [params] [joint_index] - get all parameter values for a joint index.
[get] [param_id] [joint_index] - get the parameter value for a joint index.
[set] [joint_index] [param_id] [param_value] [param_id] [param_value] ... - set the parameter value(s) for a joint index.

  Valid [param_id] values:
  --> kp - proportional gain (Joint Torque Loop)
  --> ki - integral gain (Joint Torque Loop)
  --> kd - proportional gain (Joint Torque Loop)
  --> max_int - ??? (Joint Torque Loop)
  --> max_pwm - ??? (Joint Torque Loop)
  --> kv - proportional gain ??? (Motor Parameters)
  --> kcp - ??? (Motor Parameters)
  --> kcn - ??? (Motor Parameters)
  --> coulombVelThr - ??? (Motor Parameters)
  --> kff - feed-forward gain for gravity compensation torque (Motor Parameters)
  --> frictionCompensation - coefficient of friction compensation (0-1) (Motor Parameters)
pattacini commented 8 years ago

Btw @rlober, did you know that with Thrift you'll have rpc services documentation automagically done for you? :wink:

rlober commented 8 years ago

@pattacini very interesting! I will have to play with this tool.