robotools / fontMath

A collection of objects that implement fast font, glyph, etc. math.
MIT License
42 stars 17 forks source link

Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 12 #280

Closed pyup-bot closed 2 years ago

pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

Update fonttools from 4.28.5 to 4.31.1.

Changelog ### 4.31.1 ``` ---------------------------- - [subset] fix subsetting OT-SVG when glyph id attribute is on the root ``<svg>`` element (2553). ``` ### 4.31.0 ``` ---------------------------- - [ttCollection] Fixed 'ResourceWarning: unclosed file' warning (2549). - [varLib.merger] Handle merging SinglePos with valueformat=0 (2550). - [ttFont] Update glyf's glyphOrder when calling TTFont.setGlyphOrder() (2544). - [ttFont] Added ``ensureDecompiled`` method to load all tables irrespective of the ``lazy`` attribute (2551). - [otBase] Added ``iterSubTable`` method to iterate over BaseTable's children of type BaseTable; useful for traversing a tree of otTables (2551). ``` ### 4.30.0 ``` ---------------------------- - [varLib] Added debug logger showing the glyph name for which ``gvar`` is built (2542). - [varLib.errors] Fixed undefined names in ``FoundANone`` and ``UnsupportedFormat`` exceptions (ac4d5611). - [otlLib.builder] Added ``windowsNames`` and ``macNames`` (bool) parameters to the ``buildStatTabe`` function, so that one can select whether to only add one or both of the two sets (2528). - [t1Lib] Added the ability to recreate PostScript stream (2504). - [name] Added ``getFirstDebugName``, ``getBest{Family,SubFamily,Full}Name`` methods (2526). ``` ### 4.29.1 ``` ---------------------------- - [colorLib] Fixed rounding issue with radial gradient's start/end circles inside one another (2521). - [freetypePen] Handle rotate/skew transform when auto-computing width/height of the buffer; raise PenError wen missing moveTo (2517) ``` ### 4.29.0 ``` ---------------------------- - [ufoLib] Fixed illegal characters and expanded reserved filenames (2506). - [COLRv1] Don't emit useless PaintColrLayers of lenght=1 in LayerListBuilder (2513). - [ttx] Removed legacy ``waitForKeyPress`` method on Windows (2509). - [pens] Added FreeTypePen that uses ``freetype-py`` and the pen protocol for rasterizating outline paths (2494). - [unicodedata] Updated the script direction list to Unicode 14.0 (2484). Bumped unicodedata2 dependency to 14.0 (2499). - [psLib] Fixed type of ``fontName`` in ``suckfont`` (2496). ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo:
codecov[bot] commented 2 years ago

Codecov Report

Merging #280 (33535d1) into master (6ff50f8) will not change coverage. The diff coverage is n/a.

@@           Coverage Diff           @@
##           master     #280   +/-   ##
  Coverage   88.43%   88.43%           
  Files          13       13           
  Lines        2378     2378           
  Branches      329      329           
  Hits         2103     2103           
  Misses        199      199           
  Partials       76       76           
Flag Coverage Δ
unittests 88.39% <ø> (ø)

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Legend - Click here to learn more Δ = absolute <relative> (impact), ø = not affected, ? = missing data Powered by Codecov. Last update 6ff50f8...33535d1. Read the comment docs.

pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

Closing this in favor of #281