robotpy / pyfrc

python3 library designed to make developing RobotPy-based code easier!
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[BUG]: 2 second timeout on robot init is occasionally hit in tests #232

Open auscompgeek opened 6 months ago

auscompgeek commented 6 months ago

Problem description

We very occasionally hit an AssertionError here:

So I am now dutifully following the instruction in that code comment.

We most recently hit this in CI. All our robot tests passed, except for the 1 test_all_autonomous that failed (the test runner then subsequently deadlocked):

I can't anything obviously wrong with my team's code.

(I've somehow never replicated this on my own machines; only on team member's laptops, and now CI.)

Operating System

Windows, MacOS, Linux

Installed Python Packages

│ name                     │ version    │ location │
│ attrs                    │ 23.2.0     │          │
│ bcrypt                   │ 4.1.2      │          │
│ cffi                     │ 1.16.0     │          │
│ cryptography             │ 41.0.7     │          │
│ hypothesis               │ 6.97.4     │          │
│ iniconfig                │ 2.0.0      │          │
│ mypy                     │ 1.8.0      │          │
│ mypy-extensions          │ 1.0.0      │          │
│ numpy                    │ 1.26.3     │          │
│ packaging                │ 23.2       │          │
│ paramiko                 │ 3.4.0      │          │
│ phoenix6                 │ 24.2.0     │          │
│ photonlibpy              │ 2024.2.6   │          │
│ Pint                     │ 0.23       │          │
│ pip                      │ 23.3.1     │          │
│ pluggy                   │ 1.3.0      │          │
│ pycparser                │ 2.21       │          │
│ pyfrc                    │ 2024.0.1   │          │
│ PyNaCl                   │ 1.5.0      │          │
│ pynetconsole             │ 2.0.4      │          │
│ pyntcore                 │ 2024.3.1.0 │          │
│ pytest                   │ 8.0.0      │          │
│ pytest-integration       │ 0.2.3      │          │
│ pytest-reraise           │ 2.1.2      │          │
│ robotpy                  │ 2024.3.1.0 │          │
│ robotpy-apriltag         │ 2024.3.1.0 │          │
│ robotpy-cli              │ 2024.0.0   │          │
│ robotpy-hal              │ 2024.3.1.0 │          │
│ robotpy-halsim-gui       │ 2024.3.1.0 │          │
│ robotpy-installer        │ 2024.2.2   │          │
│ robotpy-navx             │ 2024.1.0   │          │
│ robotpy-rev              │ 2024.2.1   │          │
│ robotpy-wpilib-utilities │ 2024.0.0   │          │
│ robotpy-wpimath          │ 2024.3.1.0 │          │
│ robotpy-wpinet           │ 2024.3.1.0 │          │
│ robotpy-wpiutil          │ 2024.3.1.0 │          │
│ setuptools               │ 69.0.3     │          │
│ sortedcontainers         │ 2.4.0      │          │
│ tomli                    │ 2.0.1      │          │
│ tomlkit                  │ 0.12.3     │          │
│ typing_extensions        │ 4.9.0      │          │
│ wpilib                   │ 2024.3.1.0 │          │

Reproducible example code

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