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SFTP hangs when attempting to deploy on OSX 10.11 #35

Closed theopolisme closed 8 years ago

theopolisme commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm on Team 5045 and we used (and really enjoyed!) RobotPy last year. I upgraded my Mac to 10.11 (possibly related?) a week or so ago, and suddenly I have started running into an error when attempting to deploy code to the robot.

$ python3 deploy --skip-tests
15:30:26:383 INFO    : wpilib              : WPILib version 2015.0.15
15:30:26:384 INFO    : wpilib              : HAL base version 2015.0.15; sim platform version 2015.0.15
Deploying to robot at
NI Linux Real-Time (run mode)

Log in with your NI-Auth credentials.

WPILib version on robot is 2015.0.15
NI Linux Real-Time (run mode)

Log in with your NI-Auth credentials.

sftp> mkdir "/home/lvuser/py"
sftp> put -r "/var/folders/02/b5qrvn193_33457rk8dh0b9r0000gn/T/tmpc6w1yugj/py" "/home/lvuser"
Entering /var/folders/02/b5qrvn193_33457rk8dh0b9r0000gn/T/tmpc6w1yugj/py/
hm 1
ERROR: Command ['/usr/bin/sftp', '-oBatchMode=no', '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-b', '/var/folders/02/b5qrvn193_33457rk8dh0b9r0000gn/T/tmpw6kumwwm', 'lvuser@'] returned non-zero error status 1

I tried to figure out what was going on but really couldn't seem to find anything. I can ssh into to the robot just fine. I added something logging to the ssh_exec_pass method (printing after each data = _read(pty_fd)):

$ python3 deploy --skip-tests
15:39:52:883 INFO    : wpilib              : WPILib version 2015.0.15
15:39:52:883 INFO    : wpilib              : HAL base version 2015.0.15; sim platform version 2015.0.15
Deploying to robot at
1 None
2 None
3 b"Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\n"
1 None
2 None
3 b'NI Linux Real-Time (run mode)\n\nLog in with your NI-Auth credentials.\n\n'
NI Linux Real-Time (run mode)

Log in with your NI-Auth credentials.

1 None
2 b'WPILib version on robot is 2015.0.15\n'
WPILib version on robot is 2015.0.15
3 None
1 b''
2 b''
3 b''
1 None
2 None
3 b"Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\n"
1 None
2 None
3 b'NI Linux Real-Time (run mode)\n\nLog in with your NI-Auth credentials.\n\n'
NI Linux Real-Time (run mode)

Log in with your NI-Auth credentials.

1 None
2 b'sftp> mkdir "/home/lvuser/py"\n'
sftp> mkdir "/home/lvuser/py"
3 None
1 None
2 b'sftp> put -r "/var/folders/02/b5qrvn193_33457rk8dh0b9r0000gn/T/tmpdquo6x2f/py" "/home/lvuser"\n'
sftp> put -r "/var/folders/02/b5qrvn193_33457rk8dh0b9r0000gn/T/tmpdquo6x2f/py" "/home/lvuser"
3 None
1 None
2 b'Entering /var/folders/02/b5qrvn193_33457rk8dh0b9r0000gn/T/tmpdquo6x2f/py/\n'
Entering /var/folders/02/b5qrvn193_33457rk8dh0b9r0000gn/T/tmpdquo6x2f/py/
3 None
1 None
2 b''
3 b''
1 b''
2 None
3 None
sftp 1 bytearray(b'')
hm 1
ERROR: Command ['/usr/bin/sftp', '-oBatchMode=no', '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-b', '/var/folders/02/b5qrvn193_33457rk8dh0b9r0000gn/T/tmpdgwnjzio', 'lvuser@'] returned non-zero error status 1

It looks like somehow the sftp operation is hanging after entering the directory on the local machine? I don't know how to resolve this, but wondering if someone else on OSX 10.11 may able to replicate? Maybe a protocol mismatch or something between what's installed on the RoboRIO vs my machine?

Any ideas? We're in a tough spot as we're scheduled for a demo on Friday and right now the robot isn't operational. Any help would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Theo & Team 5045

virtuald commented 8 years ago

The upgrade is almost certainly related. I haven't upgraded to 10.11 yet... I'm sure I will soonish, but I won't have access to a RoboRIO in time to diagnose/solve your problem.

One option you have, of course, is using the manual install/run steps from the robotpy documentation. It's not super convenient, but it works.

That option only works while you're ssh'ed into the robot, and isn't permanent. If you read, you can perform the same steps it does to deploy your code permanently. Here's what you need to do if you've deployed to that robot before:

... and reset your robot, and that should do it. Certainly not as convenient, but you won't be dead in the water for your demo.

For debugging purposes, I would be interested in knowing the output of the following if you insert it at line 427 of

with open(bfname, 'r') as fp:

I would also be interested in knowing what the output of the help command for 'put' is if you log in to the robot manually using sftp.

I also wonder if perhaps the temporary directory (/var/folders/...) actually has anything in it, or if there's something strange about creating temporary directories on 10.11.

theopolisme commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the quick & detailed response! I really appreciate it. I'll check this stuff out tomorrow when I'm back with the robot and will get back to you tomorrow evening.


computer-whisperer commented 8 years ago

I also noticed this issue recently when I updated my Arch Linux install.

theopolisme commented 8 years ago

For now I just did an scp-based deploy. I'll check out those debugging suggestions of yours soon, just didn't have time today.

virtuald commented 8 years ago

FYI: I just fired up a RoboRIO tonight, and found that I have the same issue on Fedora 22. Interestingly enough, the recursive put doesn't seem to work at all, even when executing it manually.

theopolisme commented 8 years ago

I've temporarily switched the sftp function in to use scp ( to make auto-deploys work again until this is figured out...

virtuald commented 8 years ago

I will definitely get this fixed by kickoff, but I don't have time at the moment.

virtuald commented 8 years ago

FYI, working on this now, but found there's a bug filed about this behavior of OpenSSH at

virtuald commented 8 years ago

I give up, I couldn't get put -r to work at all, even with a lot of weird permutations. I just ended up copying the files individually instead. Let me know if this fixes the problem for you.

theopolisme commented 8 years ago

Thanks Dustin! We're in the midst of exams, but I'll be able to give this a shot probably next week once I can get access to the school.