robotpy / robotpy-cppheaderparser

DEPRECATED: use cxxheaderparser instead
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Exception thrown when parsing the header file in Microsoft SDK #46

Open ShadowLL opened 4 years ago

ShadowLL commented 4 years ago

This is detailed exception information:

Connected to pydev debugger (build 192.6262.63)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/fuzz/.virtualenvs/pypy_xfuzz/site-packages/CppHeaderParser/", line 2913, in __init__
  File "/home/fuzz/.virtualenvs/pypy_xfuzz/site-packages/CppHeaderParser/", line 3343, in _evaluate_stack
  File "/home/fuzz/.virtualenvs/pypy_xfuzz/site-packages/CppHeaderParser/", line 3536, in _parse_enum
  File "/home/fuzz/.virtualenvs/pypy_xfuzz/site-packages/CppHeaderParser/", line 3113, in _next_token_must_be
    raise self._parse_error((tok,), "' or '".join(tokenTypes))
CppHeaderParser.CppHeaderParser.CppParseError: unexpected ',', expected ';'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/fuzz/app/pycharm-2019.2.1/helpers/pydev/", line 2060, in <module>
  File "/home/fuzz/app/pycharm-2019.2.1/helpers/pydev/", line 2054, in main
    globals =['file'], None, None, is_module)
  File "/home/fuzz/app/pycharm-2019.2.1/helpers/pydev/", line 1405, in run
    return self._exec(is_module, entry_point_fn, module_name, file, globals, locals)
  File "/home/fuzz/app/pycharm-2019.2.1/helpers/pydev/", line 1412, in _exec
    pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals)  # execute the script
  File "/home/fuzz/app/pycharm-2019.2.1/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/", line 18, in execfile
    exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
  File "/home/fuzz/workspace/xfuzz/database/src_code_analysis/", line 3, in <module>
    header = CppHeaderParser.CppHeader('/home/fuzz/workspace/xfuzz/database/windos_sdk_hfs/Include/WinSock2.h')
  File "/home/fuzz/.virtualenvs/pypy_xfuzz/site-packages/CppHeaderParser/", line 3048, in __init__
    CppParseError(msg), e,
  File "<string>", line 1, in raise_exc
CppHeaderParser.CppHeaderParser.CppParseError: Not able to parse /home/fuzz/workspace/xfuzz/database/windos_sdk_hfs/Include/WinSock2.h on line 1074 evaluating ',': unexpected ',', expected ';'
Error around: typedef enum _WSACOMPLETIONTYPE
virtuald commented 4 years ago

Definitely a bug. I don't really have an interest in fixing this myself (lots of stuff going on), but I can provide guidance for debugging/fixing this if you would like to fix it and make a PR.

In particular, I find that setting the environment variable CPPHEADERPARSER_DEBUG=1 is really useful for figuring out what the parser is doing.

I imagine that this isn't the only piece in the SDK that would cause problems. Might try just commenting out that enum and see what else breaks.

liuyongbao1982 commented 2 years ago

The following code has the same parsing error: evaluating '': unexpected '', expected ';' struct AudioPortCapability { enum AudioFormat* formats; /*< Supported audio formats. For details, see {@link AudioFormat}. / };

After I modified the following code, the program can run normally: def _parse_enum(self): ......

TODO: nested_name_specifier

    name = ""
    if nametok.type == "NAME":
        name = nametok.value
        debug_print("enum name is '%s'", name)
        tok = self.lex.token()
        if tok.value == "*":
            name = name + ' *'
            tok = self.lex.token()
        debug_print("anonymous enum")
        tok = nametok
auscompgeek commented 2 years ago

@liuyongbao1982 That looks like a different parse error to me. If you open a PR though with your change and a test, we'd be happy to take your change, since that's also a bug.