robotpy / robotpy-cscore

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error installing cscore bc of numpy #62

Closed BTanjerine closed 5 years ago

BTanjerine commented 5 years ago

Trying to install robotpy-cscore, but program is not finding numpy even though I have it installed. I am using pycharm. pls help us. Also is there another way besides this method to access the axis camera or USB camera on to the smart dashboard? pic pic2 pic3

ArchdukeTim commented 5 years ago

Looks like it's not installing robotpy-cscore in the same venv as your project

BTanjerine commented 5 years ago

how can this be fixed? how do is it try to install on a different environment? Sorry I'm new to this kind of stuff.

ArchdukeTim commented 5 years ago

I think if you run C:\Desktop\KyleAndDaitensFirstProgram\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install robotpy-cscore from the command line it should work

BTanjerine commented 5 years ago


OK this came up...

auscompgeek commented 5 years ago

Note that robotpy-cscore currently does not support installation on Windows anyway due to a couple of issues, see #59.

Also, robotpy-cscore does not support opencv-python, as mentioned in the docs, see #4.

auscompgeek commented 5 years ago

Seems likely that doing import numpy in C:\Desktop\KyleAndDaitensFirstProgram\venv\Scripts\python.exe would equally break. If so, your virtualenv is broken.

BTanjerine commented 5 years ago

is there a way to make the axis camera show up on the smart dashboard without using the CameraServer class from robotpy-cscore?

auscompgeek commented 5 years ago

It's possible, but not as fun. You would have to add the stream values to NetworkTables yourself. You can take a read of the CameraServer class to figure out how to do that.

Note that you don't need to install robotpy-cscore on your dev machine to use it on the robot. The wpilib.CameraServer.launch() function will only launch the cscore code if it's on the robot.

BTanjerine commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much! We installed robotpy-cscore directly to the RoboRIO via command prompt and it worked like a charm!