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Idea: repurpose WPI's eclipse plugins for a set of python plugins #26

Closed virtuald closed 9 years ago

virtuald commented 9 years ago

Since @bradamiller and team have already went through the trouble to create FRC related plugins for Eclipse, why not adjust them a little bit to do python-related tasks instead? I use eclipse for python development, and so do my students. This could be a useful thing to do if someone wanted to tackle it.

The one problem I see is finding somewhere to host the eclipse plugins, as github isn't a good place to host an eclipse update site.

virtuald commented 9 years ago

@lleontan , @Twinters007 -- you guys like Java, right? You should totally do this.

PeterJohnson commented 9 years ago

I can provide hosting for the update site if this gets implemented.

virtuald commented 9 years ago

Potential plugin ideas:

Basically, anything we could integrate that would make using python just as easy as using any of the other languages.

ArchdukeTim commented 9 years ago

Could we add sim/upload buttons that way you don't have to make run configs?

computer-whisperer commented 9 years ago

Can we make sure that features don't get locked in to using eclipse? I, for one, prefer PyCharm for python development, and would rather not be locked out of some development features because of it.

virtuald commented 9 years ago

@Twinters007 yes, that would be the point of doing this.

@computer-whisperer Well, both C++ and Java are moving to Eclipse this year, so I think it makes perfect sense for Python to be distributed in the same manner. There's a lot of neat integration we could get for (basically) free that WPI has already done for us, so I think that we should definitely take advantage of that.

However, I agree that I don't like being tied to a specific tool either -- but if you look at what the eclipse plugins do, they just automate a lot of stuff that the user would have to do manually. You could totally do a lot of that manually, but it would get annoying.

With that in mind, you would still be able to do things by hand if you were using pycharm. It just might not be as convenient.

virtuald commented 9 years ago

I've created a repository that can be used for collaborating on this stuff:

computer-whisperer commented 9 years ago

Should the ported examples go there as well? Or should they have a separate repo to themselves?

virtuald commented 9 years ago

For the moment, let's keep them in the wpilib tree.

virtuald commented 9 years ago

This will not be ready for kickoff, maybe next week.

virtuald commented 9 years ago

This is done and can be found at