robotraconteur-contrib / robotraconteur_training_sim

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Problems Adapting ur5_client_*.py files for Hardware #6

Closed nrsprs closed 10 months ago

nrsprs commented 10 months ago


I'm trying to use the training motion command files in the example_scripts directory on my UR10e, but I am receiving the error: RobotRaconteur.RobotRaconteurPythonError.ConnectionException: RobotRaconteur.ConnectionError Could not connect to service

when I run the script.

I have my robot on port, and am connecting to port 30004 with the 'robot' service. Here's my Connect Service command: c=RRN.ConnectService('rr+tcp//')

Am I attempting to connect to the wrong port? Is there something that I'm missing? Thank you.

johnwason commented 10 months ago


It looks like you have an extra "1" in the IP address.

Are you running the RR driver for UR? The UR does not support Robot Raconteur without the driver.