robotsthatdream / cafer

cafer framework for the DREAM project
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Problem building the cafer data_manager branch #15

Closed luis-calvo-varela closed 8 years ago

luis-calvo-varela commented 8 years ago

manager_test.msg is missing

cmaestre commented 8 years ago

Which file (.hpp/.cpp I guess) is making a reference to the message? CMakeLists.txt makes only this reference to a message:

add_message_files( FILES Management.msg )

luis-calvo-varela commented 8 years ago

CMakeLists.txt under the cafer data_manager branch adds a reference to a manager_test.msg that is not present in the msg folder. It is used by the data_manager_example.cpp.

LeniLeGoff commented 8 years ago

Yeah sorry, I forget to add manager_test.msg.

LeniLeGoff commented 8 years ago

I have commited changes to CMakelist.txt and add manager_test.msg But to install you must run this command catkin_make install -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local

luis-calvo-varela commented 8 years ago

Thank you. I will test it and see if our experiment runs well on this branch.