robotsthatdream / cafer

cafer framework for the DREAM project
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Handling the cafer_core headers #18

Closed luis-calvo-varela closed 8 years ago

luis-calvo-varela commented 8 years ago

Since i had to modify the cafer_core cmakelist.txt from the previous version of cafer in order to be able to import the cafer core component into my package code, and there is a header problem with the current data_manager branch, this is how i solved it (there is a cleaner way to do it, though):

1) Add to the cmakelist.txt:

catkin_package( INCLUDE_DIRS src LIBRARIES cafer_core CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp std_msgs message_runtime roslib DEPENDS system_lib )


2) Import the library on external packages/same package with:

#include <file.hpp>

This way we can both compile the branch and use the cafer classes in our experiment code.

cmaestre commented 8 years ago

Hi! I am about to commit a new merged version with everything working ;-)

luis-calvo-varela commented 8 years ago

Ok, that is great. i will test our experiment with that version to see if it is still needed to do this in order to use the cafer libraries in our code.

cmaestre commented 8 years ago

Included in the new merge