robotswingset / narwhal-bugs

Public bug tracker for Narwhal 2
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Text selection scrolls fast/in wrong direction, unpredictable. #33

Open superfrustrated opened 3 months ago

superfrustrated commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug (This seems to have some things in common with #11, but I didn’t think it overlapped enough to tack this onto that bug.) Selecting text and then attempting to modify what you’ve selected turns into a kind of “fly past where you wanted to select in one direction” and “fly back past it the other direction” rinse and repeat experience. Normal iOS text selection isn’t possible when this occurs. I described this in my Reddit comment as text selection as if a ghost with its own ideas also has its fingers on the screen, fighting you.

To Reproduce

  1. Try to select some text. Handles appear (the “lollipops” that are right side up and upside down at the start and end of your selection) at the beginning and end of selection for you to pull to grow/shrink/change selection.
  2. Try to change selection by pulling on those handles.
  3. Text scrolls, quickly, usually in the wrong direction. Trying to change your selection is so touchy that it’s nearly impossible. Often the selection scrolls down behind the keyboard in the process. Sometimes, if I’m feeling patient, I can grab a handle and pull it a VERY short distance quickly before the speed-scrolling starts, let go, and repeat this multiple times to end up with the text selected that I was aiming for.

I have seen this bug since Narwhal 2 came out, but was focused on helping with api issues on a previous bug report, and kind of thought this one was so obvious it’d be fixed soon, and I didn’t want to be “reports a lot of bugs guy” so I’ve just put up with it. Also, I was on an iPhone X capped at iOS 16 until recently upgrading, so I thought perhaps it was just me.

I’ve noticed it most when composing a comment, then before posting it, trying to select some portion of that comment text to change or delete etc.

Reporting today after a bug report on narwhalapp by user scarabic on 3/9/24, title “Bug report: dragging during text selection” that heavily overlapped with my experience made me think, I guess no one is reporting this after all, I’ll try a report.

Expected behavior Standard, normal ability to select text and change your selection via the “lollipop” handles on your selection on iOS that’s predictable and controllable.

Screenshots I have two screen recordings that are as short and as cropped as I can make them, but they’re 23mb and 27mb. Tried to attach them, but there’s a 10mb limit. However, I’ll sit on them in case det0ur wants them and privately sends me a link to a Google Drive or similar public folder so I can plop them there for him. NOTE: these are not sped up in any way… the fast scrolling and change of selection is how fast it really occurs.

Device Information:

Additional context Unable to attach screen recordings due to size. Screen shots would not capture the issue/behavior. Happy to receive private link to a place to put them (23mb and 27mb).

superfrustrated commented 3 months ago

Was able to shrink the vids with an app.

rickharrison commented 2 weeks ago

I really appreciate your help debugging this for me and providing the videos. I am trying to fix it on my end, but it looks like this is actually a bug with iOS when there is a large amount of content on top of editable text. In this case, it is the parent comment.

I've emailed Apple about this. I was able to replicate it in a sample project and made this video:

Hopefully Apple can point me in the right direction