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Processing appointments metadata #33

Closed robperch closed 5 months ago

robperch commented 5 months ago

Solve how to extract the apointments metadata to obtain a structured result.

This is an example of the metadata in an appointment

Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 3 26 17 PM

The query to get an appointment with it's metadata is the following:

SELECT cita.citaid as appointment_id,
       citafecha as appointment_date,
       citahorad as appointment_start_time,
       citahorah as appointment_end_time,
       SUBSTRING(c.cestatusobs, '\((.+?)\)') as appointment_creation,
       citaestado as appointment_status,
       u.usuarionomfull as doctor,
       especialidad.especialidadnom as medical_specialty,
       sucursal.sucursalnom as clinic,
       p.pacienteid as patient_id,
       p.pacientefnac as patient_birth_date

FROM cita

INNER JOIN usuario u ON cita.citadoctorid = u.usuarioid
INNER JOIN servicio ON cita.servicioid = servicio.servicioid
INNER JOIN especialidad ON u.usuarioespecialidadid = especialidad.especialidadid
INNER JOIN sucursal ON cita.citasucursalid = sucursal.sucursalid
LEFT JOIN paciente p ON cita.pacienteid = p.pacienteid
INNER JOIN citaestatus c ON cita.citaid = c.citaid AND cita.citaanio = c.citaanio

WHERE citafecha >= '2023-01-01'
  AND citafecha <= '2023-12-31'
  AND c.cestatusobs ~* '\yCreado\y'
  AND citaestado not in (

The results we would like to have look like the following:

Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 3 35 10 PM
martinhe07 commented 5 months ago

Hi @jefwei - Could we have a brief status summary here? It'd be helpful to have it in a written form so that we are on the same page. Many thanks!

robperch commented 5 months ago

This issue has already been resolved. It the metadata is already included in the 2023-2024 dataset.