robperch / IEOR_Capstone

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Project dataset #34

Open robperch opened 5 months ago

robperch commented 5 months ago

Create dataset containing all the appointment data from years 2022 and 2023 to do the analysis for the project

Appointment features

Patient information

Medical features


Other features

robperch commented 5 months ago

Hey @jefwei, could you help me out with the following?

I'll send you a dataframe as a pickle through Notion (pivot_df.pkl) containing the matadata from all the appointments from 2022 and 2023. Could you join this dataframe with an extraction of all the appointments from 2022 and 2023? I would suggest you get these with the following query:

SELECT cita.citaid as appointment_id,
       citafecha as appointment_date,
       citahorad as appointment_start_time,
       citahorah as appointment_end_time,
       citaestado as appointment_status,
       u.usuarionomfull as doctor,
       e.especialidadnom as medical_specialty,
       su.sucursalnom as clinic,
       se.servicionom as service,
       p.pacienteid as patient_id,
       p.pacientefnac as patient_birth_date

FROM cita

 INNER JOIN usuario u ON cita.citadoctorid = u.usuarioid
 INNER JOIN servicio se ON cita.servicioid = se.servicioid
 INNER JOIN especialidad e ON u.usuarioespecialidadid = e.especialidadid
 INNER JOIN sucursal su ON cita.citasucursalid = su.sucursalid
 LEFT JOIN paciente p ON cita.pacienteid = p.pacienteid

WHERE citafecha >= '2022-01-01'
  AND citafecha <= '2023-12-31'


This merge is intended to be our final data source from the system.

Could you also save this resulting dataframe as a pickle and send it to me?

These are some code snippets to solve saving and loading pickles:

## Saving df as pickle and storing it locally
path = '../../pkg_dir/data/pickles/robs'
name = 'pivot_df.pkl'

        os.path.join(path, name),
## Saving df as pickle and storing it locally
path = '../../pkg_dir/data/pickles/robs'
name = 'pivot_df.pkl'

## Reading extract object saved as pickle locally
pkl_obj = path + "/" + name

with open(pkl_obj, 'rb') as obj_content:
    dfp = pickle.load(obj_content)