robrich / gulp-if

Conditionally run a task
MIT License
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How do you negate? #48

Closed binarykitchen closed 8 years ago

binarykitchen commented 9 years ago
.pipe(gulpIf('!*.map', autoprefixer()))

does not work. How can I skip the autoprefixer when the file ends with *.map?

robrich commented 9 years ago

Negate removed matches from the glob. What you've specified here is "from no selected files, ignore everything that ends with map." Add a positive match first.

binarykitchen commented 9 years ago

@robrich Thanks but I'm sorry I do not understand ...

robrich commented 9 years ago

Bad: .pipe(gulpIf('!*.map', autoprefixer()))

Good: .pipe(gulpIf(['', '!.map'], autoprefixer()))

Bad says "Pick nothing and also don't pick map."

binarykitchen commented 9 years ago

Ah, I see. Many thanks!

binarykitchen commented 9 years ago

@robrich Hello again. I experience issues again. Somehow the following does not work:

    .pipe(gulpIf(['*.scss', '*.css'], autoprefixer(

It does not process files ending with .scss or .css at all. How can I achieve this OR combination?

robrich commented 9 years ago

'*.css': CSS files in the current directory

'/.css': CSS files in any child directory one level deep

'*/.css': CSS files in any child directory recursively including the current one

binarykitchen commented 9 years ago

Thanks but I meant, how to test for two different extensions?

Something like

if ('*.scss' or '*.css') then autoprefix()

That OR combination ... how do you do this with gulpIf?

robrich commented 9 years ago

gif(['.css','.scss'], autoprefixer())

binarykitchen commented 9 years ago

No, this doesn't work. I tried various combinations:

cssTransform = (filename, sources) ->
    .pipe(gulpIf('*.scss', rubySass(config.sass)))
    .pipe(gulpIf(['*.css', '*.scss'], autoprefixer(
      '> 1%'
      'last 5 versions'
      'Firefox ESR'
    .pipe(gulpIf(config.compress, minifyCSS()))

Like that the autoprefixer won't process CSS files.

But if I change to

    .pipe(gulpIf('*.css', autoprefixer(
      '> 1%'
      'last 5 versions'
      'Firefox ESR'

then CSS files only become autprefixed.

Somehow gif(['*.css','*.scss'], autoprefixer()) is not working. A bug?

robrich commented 9 years ago

Interesting. Do you have a pastebin or a github link?

binarykitchen commented 9 years ago

I'm afraid, it's a private project. But can you please add the above scenario to your unit tests? A glob with two different file types (OR combination).

robrich commented 9 years ago


binarykitchen commented 9 years ago

On what line? I do not see the same scenario

edouard-lopez commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to concat dist scripts (the minified files from each lib) with the result of uglify on the one that aren't minified.


I got a list af scripts such as:

var bower = {
    scripts_vendor: [



and a task as:

gulp.task('scripts_vendor', function () {
    return gulp.src(bower.scripts_vendor)
            .pipe(gulpif(/ui\.bootstrap/, uglify({mangle: false})))

This works but look awkard as it may be difficlut to maintain.


I tried to use !/min/ at first but it doesn't minify the non-minified files.

robrich commented 9 years ago

From the docs at use a condition function.

var gulpif = require('gulp-if');

var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

var beautify = require('gulp-beautify');

var condition = function (file) {

// TODO: add business logic

return true;


gulp.task('task', function() {


.pipe(gulpif(condition, uglify(), beautify()))

