robrichards / xmlseclibs

A PHP library for XML Security
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Problems with signign a part of an xml #225

Closed MartinWeidner closed 3 years ago

MartinWeidner commented 3 years ago

Hi, maybe it is a small issue, but I spent hours of coding and debugging...

I need the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SignatureAuthentication xmlns="">
    <SecurePart Id="fe09db4d-67b4-4c3a-a507-fdc323a99ecd">
    <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
            <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
            <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
            <ds:Reference URI="#fe09db4d-67b4-4c3a-a507-fdc323a99ecd">
                    <ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
                <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

So what I doing so far:

// Create XML
$request_data_SecurePart = ['SecurePart' =>
        'ClientId' => $ClientId,
        'Timestamp' => date('Y-m-d') . 'T' . date('H:i:s'),
        'UrlEncodedRequest' => $UrlEncodedRequest

$a2x = new Array2XML();
$a2x->init('1.0', 'UTF-8', true, '');
$xml_temp = $a2x->createXML('SignatureAuthentication', $request_data_SecurePart);

// Create a new Security object
$objDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();

// Use the c14n exclusive canonicalization

// Sign using SHA-1

// Create a new (private) Security key
$objKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, array('type' => 'private'));

//If key has a passphrase, set it using
$objKey->passphrase = 'xxxxxx';

// Load the private key
$objKey->loadKey('private_key.pem', TRUE);

// Sign the XML file

// Add the associated public key to the signature

// Append the signature to the XML

// get XML
$xml = $xml_temp->SaveXML();

What I get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SignatureAuthentication xmlns="" Id="pfxfb00cca4-a09e-10e9-a01d-bad6159f8479">
    <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
            <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
            <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
            <ds:Reference URI="#pfxfb00cca4-a09e-10e9-a01d-bad6159f8479">
                    <ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
                <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

The Id="pfxfb... should be in SecurePart, not in SignatureAuthentication. How can I achive this?

Thanks in Advance.

Best Regards Martin

MartinWeidner commented 3 years ago

I've found the solution:

// Get SecurePart to sign
$SecurePart = $xml_temp->getElementsByTagName("SecurePart")->item(0);

// Sign using SHA-1

I extract the "SecurePart" node to sign.