$ ./initproject.sh
-bash: ./initproject.sh: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
there is a setting in git that corrects this problem for developers on windows machines
$ git config --global core.autocrlf true
in the meantime dos2unix or vim :set fileformat=unix should work.
Curious, how long might i have to wait for a fix? I'm trying to figure out which way to go with this package. i would like to use it as a dependency for a grunt based package, but at the moment i have a couple of "fix it" commands in front of the initproject.sh to clean that file from line endings. I would like to remove those lines once this file gets fixed so i can commit my package in the cleaner state.
there is a setting in git that corrects this problem for developers on windows machines
in the meantime dos2unix or vim :set fileformat=unix should work.
Edit: Curious, how long might i have to wait for a fix? I'm trying to figure out which way to go with this package. i would like to use it as a dependency for a grunt based package, but at the moment i have a couple of "fix it" commands in front of the initproject.sh to clean that file from line endings. I would like to remove those lines once this file gets fixed so i can commit my package in the cleaner state.