robrix / Madness

Recursive Descent Into Madness
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Add <^> and curried map() #86

Closed sharplet closed 9 years ago

sharplet commented 9 years ago

Fixes #83.

I was mostly happy with this until I realised that this is the same thing as -->, and now there's three ways to do the same thing! As a result there's now both Reduction.swift and Map.swift, which seems a bit confusing given that --> is also map.


robrix commented 9 years ago

Hm, I’d forgotten --> is literally map. I’m used to calling it “reduction” since that’s the term applied in the derivative parsing paper.

I guess we could:

I’m not fond of the first one, and am unsure about the other two. Thoughts?

neilpa commented 9 years ago

There's a fourth option -- delete just the parser-only overload of --> which resolves #80. Then there's distinction between the reduction and mapping operators.

robrix commented 9 years ago

Good point, @neilpa.

sharplet commented 9 years ago

I think the --> operator is nice from a public API point of view. It has an interesting finality to it, that makes it feel natural for building your model objects. But it feels different to <^> because of the order of the arguments.

Here's some usage examples taken from the refactoring in this PR:

// curried map()
anyOf(input) |> map(prepend(match))
map(prepend(match)) <| anyOf(input)
anyOf(input) |> map { [match] + $0 }

// <^>
prepend(match) <^> anyOf(input)

// -->
anyOf(input) --> prepend(match)

Ultimately I think that curried map() probably works best in conjuction with |> and trailing closures. In this case |> map {} is basically identical to --> and the difference probably amounts to a stylistic choice (or whether you're importing Prelude).

I'm partial to the Haskell style of <^>. I like how the example reads: "prepend match over any of input" (more or less).

--> is a different style, but I can see an argument for it being more intuitive. Also, we already have it!

At the moment I'm kind of leaning towards sticking with --> and map(), and removing <^> (even though I personally prefer it). Mainly because it ain't broke.


robrix commented 9 years ago

Upon reflection, I like the spaceship operator, and I’d like to keep it in. What do you think about @neilpa’s suggestion re: resolving #80?

sharplet commented 9 years ago

@robrix Works for me.

I've pushed 254134a making that change, for your review (and @neilpa's). At this point I've chosen to replace --> with |> map wherever trailing closures are used, and with <^> where named functions are used.

robrix commented 9 years ago

Looks great to me; what do you think, @neilpa?

neilpa commented 9 years ago

Awesome :tada:

Not sure if you want to update the mapping examples in the README here or separately.

sharplet commented 9 years ago

I'm happy to take a stab at the README here.

robrix commented 9 years ago

:bow: thank you @sharplet!

robrix commented 9 years ago

Just noticed the branch name. I love it!

sharplet commented 9 years ago

So after doing some further investigation I've actually just updated to more strictly follow Haskell's operator precedence. What do you think about doing the same here, i.e.:

/// Flat map operator.
infix operator >>- {
    associativity left
    precedence 100

/// Map operator.
infix operator <^> {
    associativity left
    precedence 130
robrix commented 9 years ago

If Runes goes for it, we’ll follow suit here :+1:

sharplet commented 9 years ago

I've just pushed some changes to the playground documentation, so they should all be working fine now. And the operator precedence stuff should also be finalised.

Ok, so one list thing to go:


robrix commented 9 years ago

Damn, you fixed the playgrounds! Thank you—I had given up on them til the 6.3 betas stabilized and then just forgot.

robrix commented 9 years ago

Any objections to me merging this and picking up the readme later?

sharplet commented 9 years ago


robrix commented 9 years ago
