robrotheram / taiga-contrib-openid-auth

Taiga plugin for openid authentication
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Moving Docker context up and allowing `make build` to create an (untested) image of the new taiga version instantly #50

Closed jannefleischer closed 3 months ago

jannefleischer commented 3 months ago

I had some debugging to do, so I wanted a straightforward way to build new images. Since the Dockerfiles everytime got the already uploaded images from dockerhub, instead of using the actual sourcecode, it was a tedious task unless I move the docker context two up, so it could access the code directly (and add it to the image without calling dockerhub).

Though not sure if this behaviour is intended.

(And somehow some debugging-stuff for my other issue polluted into this. Though it does not break anything, so I keep it there)

Copy .env.default to .env, modify if you want to use your own dockerhub-repos, and then start with: make build (and possibly make publish) to get the latest version (though no tests if taiga-contrib-openid-authstill works with that specific taiga-front/-back version done!)

use at you own risk

robrotheram commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the PR