robsonj / GrovePi

Windows 10 IoT C# driver library for GrovePi
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Grove Digital Accelerometer not working on Win 10 IoT Raspberry PI 2 #16

Open amitchaudhary-zz opened 8 years ago

amitchaudhary-zz commented 8 years ago

Environment - Raspberry PI 2 OS - Windows 10 I0T Core Sensor - Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±1.5g)

On below line... DeviceFactory.Build.AccelerometerSensor(Pin.DigitalPin3).Read() The excpetion is thrown as... The thread 0xbb8 has exited with code 0 (0x0). Exception thrown: 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' in GrovePi.dll WinRT information: Slave address was not acknowledged. The program '[2652] XXX.exe' has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff).

Any known issue/help?

jan-bogaerts commented 8 years ago

a work-around: put the statement in a try-catch. Your application can continue ok. next reads will still work.

amitchaudhary-zz commented 8 years ago

Try catch is already there, so exception handling is not an issue. Point is I need to read the Accelerometer values? And FYI the same sensor is working with Python/Raspberry environment.

robsonj commented 8 years ago

Let me know when you figure it out. I'll merge in the fix.