robsontenorio / mary

Laravel Blade UI Components for Livewire 3
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Use of dymanic properties is not allowed #466

Closed rabol closed 2 weeks ago

rabol commented 1 month ago

maryUI version


daisyUI version


Livewire version


What browsers are affected?


What happened?

When using a Table component, the internal code have this:

    # helper variable to provide the loop context
    $this->loop = $loop;

That will cause a warning in php

[12:02:12] LOG.warning: Creation of dynamic property App\Livewire\CustomerGroups\Index::$loop is deprecated in /xxxx/xx/xx/xx/xx/storage/framework/views/91e4542c249e53580c8017a23412b26f.php on line 134

This occurs if you use the Table component in a normal Livewire component - the warning does not seems to appear in a Volt component

robsontenorio commented 1 month ago

I have created a Livewire component with this code and can't reproduce it. What settings do you have to enable these warnings?

        $users = App\Models\User::take(5)->get();

        $headers = [
            ['key' => 'id', 'label' => '#'],
            ['key' => 'name', 'label' => 'Nice Name'],

    <x-table :headers="$headers" :rows="$users" striped @row-click="alert($" />
rabol commented 1 month ago
    <x-table :headers="$headers" :rows="$customerGroups" @row-click="$wire.showEdit($event.detail)" :sort-by="$sortBy" with-pagination>
        @scope('actions', $customerGroup)
            <x-button wire:click="delete('{{ $customerGroup->id }}')" icon="o-trash" class="btn-sm btn-ghost text-error" wire:confirm="Are you sure?" spinner />
robsontenorio commented 1 month ago

The reason is because we are exposing this variable to make access to $loop on outside context. Although you don't use on your example it is always there.

I will hold for now, because I don't have a better solution. If someone could handle this I appreciate.

