robsontenorio / mary

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Radio: add `null` option #487

Closed ryanvelbon closed 3 months ago

ryanvelbon commented 3 months ago

Could be useful if the Radio component had a property for allowing a null option which doesn't need to be explicitly passed into the :options property.

This would be useful for creating filter options in an index page.

Example 1

Instead of:

    $subjectOptions = Subject::all();
    $subjectOptions->prepend(['name' => 'All Subjects', 'id' => null]);

<x-radio :options="$subjectOptions""subjectId" />

We could do something like this:

    $subjectOptions = Subject::all();

<x-radio :options="$subjectOptions""subjectId" null-option="All Subjects" />


Example 2

Here is another example but with an Enum instead:

namespace App\Enums;

enum UserSex: string
    case Male = 'm';
    case Female = 'f';

Instead of

    $sexOptions = UserSex::cases();
    $sexOptions[] = ['name' => 'Any', 'value' => null];

<x-radio label="Gender" :options="$sexOptions" option-value="value""sex" />

We could do something like this:

    $sexOptions = UserSex::cases();

<x-radio label="Gender" :options="$sexOptions" option-value="value""sex" null-option="Any" />


robsontenorio commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately this approach does not work well. The "null" option does not keep selected when clicked. Am I missing something?

So it can be confusing for users.

robsontenorio commented 3 months ago

Do you intend to rework it ?