robsontenorio / mary

Laravel Blade UI Components for Livewire 3
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Select : allow Enums #490

Closed ryanvelbon closed 2 weeks ago

ryanvelbon commented 2 weeks ago

Currently <x-select> seems to only work with simple arrays.

If we tried passing in an Enum

    $statusOptions = \App\Enums\PostStatus::cases();

<x-select label="Status" :options="$statusOptions" wire:model="status" />

We would get the following error

Cannot use object of type App\Enums\PostStatus as array
robsontenorio commented 2 weeks ago

Could share that enum definition?

robsontenorio commented 2 weeks ago

Just modified to a simpler approach. Thanks!

ryanvelbon commented 2 weeks ago

This is a way cleaner approach! Thank you for merging.