robsontenorio / mary

Laravel Blade UI Components for Livewire 3
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Laravel 11 fresh, breeze and MaryUI #631

Open desyashasyi opened 12 hours ago

desyashasyi commented 12 hours ago

I have installed fresh Laravel 11, then setting Breeze with Volt (class) and Alpine, and then installed Mary UI. I can login using breeze. Then, I changed app.blade.php at views/app folder, and dashboard.blade.php at views folder. But, the page is not render as expected. The error of page is like this:


what is the problem?

The following code is for views/layouts/app.blade.php

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover">
    <meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">
    <title>{{ isset($title) ? $title.' - '.config('') : config('') }}</title>

    @vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js'])
<body class="min-h-screen font-sans antialiased bg-base-200/50 dark:bg-base-200">

    {{-- NAVBAR mobile only --}}
    <x-nav sticky class="lg:hidden">
            <x-app-brand />
            <label for="main-drawer" class="lg:hidden me-3">
                <x-icon name="o-bars-3" class="cursor-pointer" />

    {{-- MAIN --}}
    <x-main full-width>
        {{-- SIDEBAR --}}
        <x-slot:sidebar drawer="main-drawer" collapsible class="bg-base-100 lg:bg-inherit">

            {{-- BRAND --}}
            <x-app-brand class="p-5 pt-3" />

            {{-- MENU --}}
            <x-menu activate-by-route>

                {{-- User --}}
                @if($user = auth()->user())
                    <x-menu-separator />

                    <x-list-item :item="$user" value="name" sub-value="email" no-separator no-hover class="-mx-2 !-my-2 rounded">
                            <x-button icon="o-power" class="btn-circle btn-ghost btn-xs" tooltip-left="logoff" no-wire-navigate link="/logout" />

                    <x-menu-separator />

                <x-menu-item title="Hello" icon="o-sparkles" link="/" />
                <x-menu-sub title="Settings" icon="o-cog-6-tooth">
                    <x-menu-item title="Wifi" icon="o-wifi" link="####" />
                    <x-menu-item title="Archives" icon="o-archive-box" link="####" />

        {{-- The `$slot` goes here --}}
            {{ $slot }}

    {{--  TOAST area --}}
    <x-toast />

And the following code is for views/dashboard.blade.php

    <!-- HEADER -->
    <x-header title="Hello" separator progress-indicator>
        <x-slot:middle class="!justify-end">
            <x-input placeholder="Search...""search" clearable icon="o-magnifying-glass" />
            <x-button label="Filters" @click="$wire.drawer = true" responsive icon="o-funnel" class="btn-primary" />

    <!-- TABLE  -->
cooffeeRequired commented 11 hours ago

remove hot file from public

desyashasyi commented 5 hours ago

I already removed the public/hot, but still faced the problem.
