robstave / ArduinoComponentSketches

Collection of sketches for ATTiny to replace logic blocks in lunetta like circuits
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2 Bytes I2c #73

Open robstave opened 1 week ago

robstave commented 1 week ago

I about gave up on this. Keep trying

// reciever/master rot

include ;

void setup() { pinMode(1, OUTPUT); // visualize rotory pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // visualize button

// Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master) }

void loop() {

//  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

 //   analogWrite(1, 255);

while (true) { Wire.requestFrom(4, 2); // request 2 byte from rotory device ( value, button ) address 4

if (Wire.available()  ) {     // Ensure we have received 2 bytes
  uint8_t value =;   // Read the first byte
  uint8_t value2 =;  // Read the second byte

analogWrite(1, value); analogWrite(3, value2);

/* if (value > 1) { digitalWrite(3, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(3, LOW); }

  if (value2 > 1) {
    analogWrite(1, value2);
  } else {
    digitalWrite(1, LOW);



// example rot + button

include "avr/interrupt.h";

define I2C_ROTORY_ADDRESS 0x04 // Address of the slave


volatile int value = 122; volatile int lastEncoded = 0;

void setup() { Wire.begin(I2C_ROTORY_ADDRESS); // join i2c network //TinyWireS.onReceive(receiveEvent); // not using this Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); // set pins 3 and 4 to input // and enable pullup resisters pinMode(3, INPUT); pinMode(4, INPUT); //pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode(1, INPUT); digitalWrite(3, HIGH); digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

GIMSK = 0b00100000; // Enable pin change interrupts PCMSK = 0b00011000; // Enable pin change interrupt for PB3 and PB4 sei(); // Turn on interrupts }

// Gets called when the ATtiny receives an i2c request void requestEvent() {

/* byte button;

if (digitalRead(1)==HIGH){ button = 255; } else { button = 0; }

byte j = value; byte message[2] = {button, j}; Wire.write(message, 2); */

//byte message[2]; //message[0] = 0x25; //message[1] = 0x75; Wire.write(0xa0); Wire.write(0x45);

//Wire.write(message, 2);

//uint16_t combined = (button << 8) | value;

//Wire.write((byte*)&combined, 2); // Send the 2-byte combined value }

void loop() { delay(100); }

// This is the ISR that is called on each interrupt // Taken from ISR(PCINT0_vect) { int MSB = digitalRead(3); //MSB = most significant bit int LSB = digitalRead(4); //LSB = least significant bit

int encoded = (MSB << 1) | LSB; //converting the 2 pin value to single number int sum = (lastEncoded << 2) | encoded; //adding it to the previous encoded value

if (sum == 0b1101 || sum == 0b0100 || sum == 0b0010 || sum == 0b1011) value++; if (sum == 0b1110 || sum == 0b0111 || sum == 0b0001 || sum == 0b1000) value--;

lastEncoded = encoded; //store this value for next time

if (value <= 0) value = 0; if (value >= 255) value = 255; }