robur-coop / caldav

Calendar server (CalDAV, RFC 4791) implementation in OCaml
ISC License
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verisign error upon first launch #10

Open dysinger opened 5 years ago

dysinger commented 5 years ago
vega% hostname       
vega% ./result/bin/caldav --admin-password="toots" --host=vega --http=80 --remote=git://vega:9418/data.git
2019-07-27 06:01:32 -07:00: INF [tcpip-stack-socket] Manager: connect
2019-07-27 06:01:32 -07:00: INF [tcpip-stack-socket] Manager: configuring
2019-07-27 06:01:33 -07:00: ERR [application] main: (Failure
   "name resolution failed: err: Ok rcode no such domain op Query q answer \
  \nauthority \t86400\tSOA\\\t2019072700\t1800\t900\t604800\t86400, expected answer: unknown endpoint type")
Raised at file "" (inlined), line 242, characters 35-52
Called from file "", line 469, characters 8-33
Called from file "", line 484, characters 6-24

am I doing it wrong? I have the git repo being served locally via git-daemon with receive-pack

hannesm commented 5 years ago

hmm, the unikernel uses its own dns resolver (runnin as a vm, there isn't such a thing as a host resolver), and this resolver asks the public DNS for the IP address of vega -- which is not registered in DNS. certainly deep inside the conduit library there is some resolver and overwriting stuff happening which could be used to accomodate this use case on a unix host (i.e. use gethostbyname/respect /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf).

as a workaround, you can use the IP address of vega in the --remote=git://.../data.git :)