robust-rosin / robust

A dataset of 200+ bugs in the Robot Operating System for BugZoo
30 stars 9 forks source link

"bugzoo source add" does not always update the list #106

Open Chamango90 opened 5 years ago

Chamango90 commented 5 years ago

In the following is the output of some testing. I added comments within the commands.

$ bugzoo bug list

Bug             Program     Dataset    Source    Installed?
--------------  ----------  ---------  --------  ------------
robust:b826eae  care-o-bot  robust     robust    Yes
robust:eed104d  kobuki      robust     robust    No
robust:ca23e58  ros_comm    robust     robust    No
robust:b4dc23c  tf2         robust     robust    No

$ bugzoo source add robust2 ./robust/ 
# Wrong from me. Should have used the current path (.)
added source: robust2 -> ./robust/

$ bugzoo bug list

Bug             Program     Dataset    Source    Installed?
--------------  ----------  ---------  --------  ------------
robust:b826eae  care-o-bot  robust     robust2   Yes
robust:eed104d  kobuki      robust     robust2   No
robust:ca23e58  ros_comm    robust     robust2   No
robust:b4dc23c  tf2         robust     robust2   No
# Dataset robust not showing anymore

$ bugzoo source add robust3 .

$ bugzoo bug list

Bug             Program     Dataset    Source    Installed?
--------------  ----------  ---------  --------  ------------
robust:b826eae  care-o-bot  robust     robust2   Yes
robust:eed104d  kobuki      robust     robust2   No
robust:ca23e58  ros_comm    robust     robust2   No
robust:b4dc23c  tf2         robust     robust2   No
# New dataset robust3 not showing

$ bugzoo source add robustnew
added source: robustnew ->

$ bugzoo bug list

Bug             Program          Dataset    Source    Installed?
--------------  ---------------  ---------  --------  ------------
robust:0af76d5  geometry2        robust     robust    No
robust:12605ab  geometry2        robust     robust    No
robust:b166c93  kobuki           robust     robust    No
robust:f8d175b  universal_robot  robust     robust    No
robust:b826eae  care-o-bot       robust     robust2   Yes
robust:eed104d  kobuki           robust     robust2   No
robust:ca23e58  ros_comm         robust     robust2   No
robust:b4dc23c  tf2              robust     robust2   No
# New dataset robustnew not showing, but now robust and robust 2 show up

$ bugzoo source add robustnew2
added source: robustnew2 ->
$ bugzoo bug list

Bug             Program          Dataset    Source      Installed?
--------------  ---------------  ---------  ----------  ------------
robust:b826eae  care-o-bot       robust     robustnew2  Yes
robust:0af76d5  geometry2        robust     robustnew2  No
robust:12605ab  geometry2        robust     robustnew2  No
robust:b4dc23c  geometry2        robust     robustnew2  No
robust:b166c93  kobuki           robust     robustnew2  No
robust:eed104d  kobuki           robust     robustnew2  No
robust:ca23e58  ros_comm         robust     robustnew2  No
robust:f8d175b  universal_robot  robust     robustnew2  No
# New dataset robustnew2 showing but all the others datasets are gone

$ bugzoo source remove robustnew
removed source: robustnew

$ bugzoo bug list

Bug             Program     Dataset    Source    Installed?
--------------  ----------  ---------  --------  ------------
robust:b826eae  care-o-bot  robust     robust3   Yes
robust:eed104d  kobuki      robust     robust3   No
robust:ca23e58  ros_comm    robust     robust3   No
robust:b4dc23c  tf2         robust     robust3   No

#  robustnew removed dataset robustnew2. Now robust3 is showing up

~My local version of the robust repo is up to date and uses the master branch (Except the first dataset with name robust, which uses an outdated version).~ Local repo not up-to date.

The reason of the problem might be that I always added the same source with a different dataset name. However, sometimes it shows me a total of 8 and sometimes a total of 4 bugs in the list.

Chamango90 commented 5 years ago

However, sometimes it shows me a total of 8 and sometimes a total of 4 bugs in the list.

This makes sense now as I had locally an older version with only 4 tests.