robust-rosin / robust

A dataset of 200+ bugs in the Robot Operating System for BugZoo
30 stars 9 forks source link

field values found in bug files #369

Open hsd-dev opened 3 years ago

hsd-dev commented 3 years ago
subsystem: {application-specific component, controller, core component, driver, generic, generic component,
generic task, launch file, MAVCONN library, metapackage, motion, motoplus pluging, N/A, null, orchestration,
package metadata, robot description, ROS tool, ROS, ROS-comm, safety controller, scripts, simulation plugin,
simulation plugins, specific application, test suite, visualization}
specificity: {general issue, robotics, robotics-specific, ROS, ROS-specific, UNCLEAR, UNKNOWN}
system:  {care-o-bot, confidential, core component, geometry2, kobuki, mavros, motoman, null, ros_comm, 
shadow-robot,  turtlebot, universal_robot}
application:  {arm control, auto docking, auto-docking, automatic docking, bumper to pointcloud converter
cob common, cob drivers, cob robots, dashboard, demo, diagnostics dashboard, EGM interface, industrial N/A
industrial robot arm, keyboard teleoperation, manipulator controller, mobile robot, multi-robot simulation
N/A, Navigation module, null, platform code, robot model viewer, ros control, RWS interface, SLAM,
system bringup, teleoperation, test suite, visualization}
architectural-location: {application-specific code, N/A, platform-code, ROS-specific}
task: { arm position-based inverse kinematics, auto docking, camera calibration (perception, calibration), 
communication, diagnostics, differential drive, manipulation,  manipulation, manipulation (motion), motion, 
N/A, null, planning, simulation, SLAM, teleoperation, testing, velocity smoother, vision, visualization}
hsd-dev commented 3 years ago

The most recent schema file can be found here