robusta-dev / homebrew-krr

Homebrew repository for installing KRR with brew
MIT License
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Fix broken URL #2

Closed cr7258 closed 1 year ago

cr7258 commented 1 year ago

The URL is broken:

brew install krr

# Output
Error: krr: Failed to download resource "krr"
Failure while executing; `/usr/bin/env /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/shims/shared/curl --disable --cookie /dev/null --globoff --show-error --user-agent Linuxbrew/4.0.27\ \(Linux\;\ x86_64\ Ubuntu\ 20.04.6\ LTS\)\ curl/7.68.0 --header Accept-Language:\ en --retry 3 --fail --location --silent --head --request GET` exited with 22. Here's the output:
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

It should be:

cr7258 commented 1 year ago

Close this PR as it was fixed in the CI/CD pipeline: