robvanderleek / mudslide

Send WhatsApp messages from the command-line
ISC License
122 stars 12 forks source link

new features #41

Closed luke432 closed 1 year ago

luke432 commented 1 year ago

Hi, first thing first, I was looking for something like "mudslide" and it actually works but I have a question: Is there a way to implement the possibility to receive messages from whatsapp users, from the command line?

, Thank you I hope you will continue to update this project!

robvanderleek commented 1 year ago

Hi @luke432

The goal of this project is to provide a simple CLI for sending messages.

If you want to receive messages I suggest directly using this WhatsApp library. An alternative is to use a library specifically for building bots, such as whatsapp-web.js.

HTH, Rob

saitkaralar commented 1 year ago

lost connection and cannot login anymore. connection errored message receiving. has any idea?

robvanderleek commented 1 year ago

Hi @saitkaralar

Unfortunately, this sometimes happens. Can you try the troubleshooting steps?

saitkaralar commented 1 year ago

Hi @saitkaralar

Unfortunately, this sometimes happens. Can you try the troubleshooting steps?

Tried, still same. Actually what is intresting is: Can connect it to standart Whatsapp user, but cannot connect to whatsapp business number. Also some standart other user cannot connect too. Error shown is: ,"trace":"Error: Connection Failure\n at WebSocket. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mudslide/node_modules/@adiwajshing/baileys/lib/Socket/socket.js

As I see, @adiwajshing/baileys is not in github anymore also. Whatsapp business account connection lost and cannot connect (login) at the moment, btu can login with presonal wp.

robvanderleek commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the detailed feedback. It could be related to the removal of the Baileys library and blocking the usage of that library by WhatsApp for business accounts. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about that.

saitkaralar commented 1 year ago

Seems so. If any alternative has instead of Baileys library, may be updated later. At the moment, have to change system from business account to normal to be able to make it working. best regards

robvanderleek commented 1 year ago

I've switched to an alternative library. Please use the WA business API for commercial activities.