roc-lang / book-of-examples

Software Design by Example in Roc
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initialise diff chapter #49

Closed hristog closed 3 weeks ago

hristog commented 1 month ago


hristog commented 1 month ago

I'll use this PR to share some progress update as well.

I've completed end-to-end implementations, associated with the following increments (some of following bullet-points correspond to a single increment):

gvwilson commented 4 weeks ago

I realize this is in progress, but may I merge what you have so that I have something when I start rearranging order?

hristog commented 3 weeks ago

My apologies, @gvwilson - it appears that I've misunderstood the purpose of the chapter sub-directories and the associated PR increments.

The initialisation of the sub-directory was in response to this comment from the associated issue:

👍 thank you - I'll mark this one down as yours. Can you please create a sub-directory under the project root called "diff" and put your work there along with an file with point-form notes as you go along?

But I wasn't sure at what frequencies should we have expected the PR increments to be merged into the repository here. I confirm I've been writing the draft of my chapter (and complete code examples) in parallel (i.e., whilst waiting for this initialisation PR to be merged).

Should I seek to update this PR with my draft work, or should that be part of a separate PR? I confirm, either way, I'll be able to provide a much better idea about the content of the chapter this weekend.

Basically (and it seems - entirely caused by my misunderstanding), I was waiting for this PR to be merged in first, so that I could subsequently raise other PRs corresponding to draft version increments.

gvwilson commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @hristog - please don't apologize, we're making this up as we go along :-) I have one more week until I start a new job, and would like to tidy up what we have before then, so I've been firing off requests for merge more hastily than I should have. You've done everything right; I'll go ahead and merge this as it is and then we can see where we are. Apologies on my part for being confusing.

hristog commented 3 weeks ago

Understood, @gvwilson! Thank you once again for confirming!