Open dannicolici opened 1 year ago
We've encountered a similar issue before that I was not able to reproduce on an m1 mac. ~I'll give this a try on an x86 mac~
EDIT: this will likely not reproduce there because the release is built on that x86 mac mini and this appears to be a library PATH issue.
Using macos 13.4.1
This could be a possible workaround:
> export SDKROOT=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)
> roc repl
I came back to this to try again. Tried that suggestion, with the latest nightly build, but it didn't work.
$ which roc
$ export SDKROOT=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)
$ roc repl
The rockin’ roc repl
Enter an expression, or :help, or :q to quit.
» 123
ld: library not found for -lSystem
/var/folders/3l/k5hq6n8s1_b5vy4vt92yf79w0000gn/T/.tmp55lAS5/app.dylib: No such file or directory
thread 'main' panicked at '
Linking command failed with status ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(256)):
Child { stdin: None, stdout: None, stderr: None, .. }
', crates/compiler/build/src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Thanks for trying, I now have a macos 13 device available and will get to this after fixing two higher priority issues.
I was not able to reproduce this issue using macos 13.6 and the latest nightly. Can one of you check if this still happens?
I'm still getting the same thing on Ventura 13.5 with M1 silicon
❯ roc_nightly-macos_apple_silicon-2023-10-24-ec1c221/roc repl
The rockin’ roc repl
Enter an expression, or :help, or :q to quit.
» 123
ld: library not found for -lSystem
/var/folders/3l/k5hq6n8s1_b5vy4vt92yf79w0000gn/T/.tmprUv8jt/app.dylib: No such file or directory
thread 'main' panicked at 'we produce a valid Dylib: DlOpen { desc: "dlopen(/var/folders/3l/k5hq6n8s1_b5vy4vt92yf79w0000gn/T/.tmprUv8jt/app.dylib, 0x0005): tried: \'/var/folders/3l/k5hq6n8s1_b5vy4vt92yf79w0000gn/T/.tmprUv8jt/app.dylib\' (no such file), \'/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/var/folders/3l/k5hq6n8s1_b5vy4vt92yf79w0000gn/T/.tmprUv8jt/app.dylib\' (no such file), \'/var/folders/3l/k5hq6n8s1_b5vy4vt92yf79w0000gn/T/.tmprUv8jt/app.dylib\' (no such file), \'/private/var/folders/3l/k5hq6n8s1_b5vy4vt92yf79w0000gn/T/.tmprUv8jt/app.dylib\' (no such file), \'/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/private/var/folders/3l/k5hq6n8s1_b5vy4vt92yf79w0000gn/T/.tmprUv8jt/app.dylib\' (no such file), \'/private/var/folders/3l/k5hq6n8s1_b5vy4vt92yf79w0000gn/T/.tmprUv8jt/app.dylib\' (no such file)" }', crates/repl_cli/src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
❯ uname -a
Darwin Brians-MacBook-Pro-2.local 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul 5 22:22:05 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64
Fedora Linux is unhappy with step #1 of the Roc Tutorial too :)
[jan@framey roc]$ neofetch
.',;::::;,'. jan@framey
.';:cccccccccccc:;,. ----------
.;cccccccccccccccccccccc;. OS: Fedora release 38 (Thirty Eight) x86_64
.:cccccccccccccccccccccccccc:. Host: Laptop AA
.;ccccccccccccc;.:dddl:.;ccccccc;. Kernel: 6.5.8-200.fc38.x86_64
.:ccccccccccccc;OWMKOOXMWd;ccccccc:. Uptime: 54 mins
.:ccccccccccccc;KMMc;cc;xMMc:ccccccc:. Packages: 2584 (rpm), 42 (nix-default), 44 (flatpak)
,cccccccccccccc;MMM.;cc;;WW::cccccccc, Shell: bash 5.2.15
:cccccccccccccc;MMM.;cccccccccccccccc: Resolution: 2256x1504
:ccccccc;oxOOOo;MMM0OOk.;cccccccccccc: DE: GNOME 44.5
cccccc:0MMKxdd:;MMMkddc.;cccccccccccc; WM: Mutter
ccccc:XM0';cccc;MMM.;cccccccccccccccc' WM Theme: Adwaita
ccccc;MMo;ccccc;MMW.;ccccccccccccccc; Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
ccccc;0MNc.ccc.xMMd:ccccccccccccccc; Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
cccccc;dNMWXXXWM0::cccccccccccccc:, Terminal: kitty
cccccccc;.:odl:.;cccccccccccccc:,. CPU: 11th Gen Intel i5-1135G7 (8) @ 4.200GHz
:cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc:'. GPU: Intel TigerLake-LP GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics]
.:cccccccccccccccccccccc:;,.. Memory: 2545MiB / 15763MiB
[jan@framey roc]$
[jan@framey roc]$
[jan@framey roc]$ roc version
roc: /lib64/ no version information available (required by roc)
roc nightly pre-release, built from commit c509252 on Fr 27 Okt 2023 09:07:30 UTC
[jan@framey roc]$
[jan@framey roc]$
[jan@framey roc]$ roc repl
roc: /lib64/ no version information available (required by roc)
The rockin’ roc repl
Enter an expression, or :help, or :q to quit.
» "Alo, World!"
ld: /usr/lib/ error adding symbols: file in wrong format
thread 'main' panicked at 'we produce a valid Dylib: DlOpen { desc: "/tmp/.tmpLRkhvI/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" }', crates/repl_cli/src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
[jan@framey roc]$
[jan@framey roc]$
[jan@framey roc]$ export RUST_BACKTRACE=full
[jan@framey roc]$
[jan@framey roc]$
[jan@framey roc]$ roc repl
roc: /lib64/ no version information available (required by roc)
The rockin’ roc repl
Enter an expression, or :help, or :q to quit.
» "trace time?"
ld: /usr/lib/ error adding symbols: file in wrong format
thread 'main' panicked at 'we produce a valid Dylib: DlOpen { desc: "/tmp/.tmpZyd289/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" }', crates/repl_cli/src/
stack backtrace:
0: 0x556d6270b483 - <unknown>
1: 0x556d61a9da7f - <unknown>
2: 0x556d62706cf7 - <unknown>
3: 0x556d6270b255 - <unknown>
4: 0x556d6270ce10 - <unknown>
5: 0x556d6270cbd4 - <unknown>
6: 0x556d6270d319 - <unknown>
7: 0x556d6270d224 - <unknown>
8: 0x556d6270bad6 - <unknown>
9: 0x556d6270cfa2 - <unknown>
10: 0x556d6199dea3 - <unknown>
11: 0x556d6199e343 - <unknown>
12: 0x556d62428d6b - <unknown>
13: 0x556d6242e96f - <unknown>
14: 0x556d61c64074 - <unknown>
15: 0x556d61c57263 - <unknown>
16: 0x556d61c57283 - <unknown>
17: 0x556d626fde95 - <unknown>
18: 0x556d61c65365 - <unknown>
19: 0x7f8249c49b8a - __libc_start_call_main
20: 0x7f8249c49c4b - __libc_start_main_alias_2
21: 0x556d61a3273e - <unknown>
22: 0x0 - <unknown>
[jan@framey roc]$
Nevermind about my Fedora issue - it seems to be fixed by #5942.
Apparently this is an xcode issue of some sort. Some context here:
This worked to fix it for me:
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
xcode-select --install
Note, in the first command, the folder can vary. For example, it could be: /Applications/
I ran into the ld: library not found for -lSystem
error as well when inputting a string in the repl. @bhansconnect's solution of reinstalling the developer command line tools worked for me. Mac OS X 13.6 on Intel here.
I simply tried to follow the tutorial, installed the latest macos x86_64 nightly (11 Sep 2023), entered the repl and evaluated a string. This was the result: