rockbruno / RouterService

💉Type-safe Navigation/Dependency Injection Framework for Swift
MIT License
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[Question] AirBnb concepts #17

Closed adrianod1as closed 3 years ago

adrianod1as commented 3 years ago

Firstly, congrats for this frameworks and all published articles about this subject. Currently where I work we, @Renatdz and I, are studying how to apply interfaces modules and improve routing in our project. Your material might help a lot.

In the readme, you've mentioned this framework is based on a system presented by AirBnB. In the presentation they cover some concepts I am interested, but that I couldn't match with the documentation and examples provided here.

Could you confirm if this framework covers or is supposed to be used for

A scope or feature can register route handlers 
- scope
- dynamic registry


If so, do you suggest how?

(Unfortunately, I also wasn't able to find any code provided by AirBnb. hehe Congrats again for doing all this without some code from them.)

Either way, I'd love to hear some ideas from you. Articles or any material that might help are also welcomed. We are still studying it, so we don't have any relevant code now, but we can provide it as soon we advance on our POC.

Thanks in advance o/

P.S.0: I have a conceptual idea about the interceptor they mentioned. It seems to me it would be used as dependency of the scene instead of the RouterService. If you have diverging thoughts about it, I'd be happy to hear it.

P.S.1: The slides I'm referring go from 55 through 58.

P.S.2: I was able to find the presentation's video.

P.S.3: We are on iOS Dev BR, if you wanna ping us.

rockbruno commented 3 years ago

Thanks Adriano! The lib can't handle "scopes" of features (which is a great idea, just haven't done it when I worked with this), but it does handle dynamic registry. You might be interested in watching my SwiftHeroes talk (I think they'll put it in youtube after the event) which covers this topic 👍