rockcarver / frodo-cli

A CLI to manage ForgeRock platform deployments supporting Identity Cloud tenants, ForgeOps deployments, and classic deployments.
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Doing a full export of IDM from FIDC started hanging between v2.0.0.32 and v2.0.0.33 #363

Closed dbalmain closed 5 months ago

dbalmain commented 5 months ago

Frodo CLI version

You are running the NPM package. Installed versions: cli: v2.0.0-33 lib: v2.0.0-49 node: v18.18.2

Describe the issue

Doing a full export of IDM from FIDC started hanging between v2.0.0.32 and v2.0.0.33.

➜ npm i -g @rockcarver/frodo-cli@v2.0.0-33

changed 225 packages in 4s

38 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

customerone-fidc-config on  main [!?] via  v18.18.2 took 4s 
➜ frodo idm export dev -A -D ./idm
Connected to [alpha] as service account Frodo-SA]

# <== this hangs here indefinitely

customerone-fidc-config on  main [!?] via  v18.18.2 took 9s 
➜ npm i -g @rockcarver/frodo-cli@v2.0.0-32

changed 225 packages in 4s

38 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

customerone-fidc-config on  main [!?] via  v18.18.2 took 4s 
➜ frodo idm export dev -A -D ./idm
Connected to [alpha] as service account Frodo-SA]
✔ Exported config objects.

Other exports work for me without any issues. It seems to just be the IdM export.

vscheuber commented 5 months ago

@dbalmain I have been able to reproduce some weird behavior (not exactly what you reported but very similar) and will look into this more. Could you maybe try with the latest pre-release? We are getting really close to releasing 2.0.0 but this one is a must fix for sure!

FYI @atomicsamurai @phalestrivir if anyone of you gets to this before I do, please claim the issue.

dbalmain commented 5 months ago

@vscheuber, thanks for looking into this. It's still happening on the latest version. It's been stuck here for about 5-minutes; image