rockcarver / frodo-lib

A library to manage ForgeRock Identity Cloud tenants, ForgeOps deployments, and classic deployments.
MIT License
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Description of journey import clarification... #41

Closed drlee123 closed 10 months ago

drlee123 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug The help mentions -f, --file Name of the file to write the exported journey(s) to. Ignored with -A. I believe it is required for read during import as well - minor nit. Likewise to import what is required? a -f and -t? for a single tree in a single JSON? An example please!

vscheuber commented 10 months ago

Completed. Help output for journey import in 2.x:

% frodo journey import
Unrecognized combination of options or no options...
Usage: frodo journey import [options] [host] [realm] [username] [password]

Import journey/tree.

  host                         Access Management base URL, e.g.: To use a connection profile, just specify a unique substring.
  realm                        Realm. Specify realm as '/' for the root realm or 'realm' or '/parent/child' otherwise. (default: "alpha" for Identity Cloud tenants, "/" otherwise.)
  username                     Username to login with. Must be an admin user with appropriate rights to manage authentication journeys/trees.
  password                     Password.

  -a, --all                    Import all the journeys/trees from single file. Ignored with -i.
  -A, --all-separate           Import all the journeys/trees from separate files (*.json) in the current directory. Ignored with -i or -a.
  --curlirize                  Output all network calls in curl format.
  -D, --directory <directory>  Set the working directory.
  --debug                      Debug output during command execution. If specified, may or may not produce additional output helpful for troubleshooting.
  -f, --file <file>            Name of the file to import the journey(s) from. Ignored with -A.
  --flush-cache                Flush token cache.
  -h, --help                   Help
  -i, --journey-id <journey>   Name of a journey/tree. If specified, -a and -A are ignored.
  -k, --insecure               Allow insecure connections when using SSL/TLS. Has no effect when using a network proxy for https (HTTPS_PROXY=http://<host>:<port>), in that case the proxy must provide this
                               capability. (default: Don't allow insecure connections)
  -m, --type <type>            Override auto-detected deployment type. Valid values for type:
                               classic:  A classic Access Management-only deployment with custom layout and configuration.
                               cloud:    A ForgeRock Identity Cloud environment.
                               forgeops: A ForgeOps CDK or CDM deployment.
                               The detected or provided deployment type controls certain behavior like obtaining an Identity Management admin token or not and whether to export/import referenced email templates
                               or how to walk through the tenant admin login flow of Identity Cloud and handle MFA (choices: "classic", "cloud", "forgeops")
  --no-cache                   Disable token cache for this operation.
  --no-deps                    Do not include any dependencies (scripts, email templates, SAML entity providers and circles of trust, social identity providers, themes).
  --re-uuid                    Generate new UUIDs for all nodes during import. (default: off)
  --sa-id <sa-id>              Service account id.
  --sa-jwk-file <file>         File containing the JSON Web Key (JWK) associated with the the service account.
  --verbose                    Verbose output during command execution. If specified, may or may not produce additional output.

Evironment Variables:
  FRODO_HOST: Access Management base URL. Overrides 'host' argument.
  FRODO_REALM: Realm. Overrides 'realm' argument.
  FRODO_USERNAME: Username. Overrides 'username' argument.
  FRODO_PASSWORD: Password. Overrides 'password' argument.
  FRODO_SA_ID: Service account uuid. Overrides '--sa-id' option.
  FRODO_SA_JWK: Service account JWK. Overrides '--sa-jwk-file' option but takes the actual JWK as a value, not a file name.
  FRODO_NO_CACHE: Disable token cache. Same as '--no-cache' option.
  FRODO_TOKEN_CACHE_PATH: Use this token cache file instead of '~/.frodo/TokenCache.json'.
  FRODO_CONNECTION_PROFILES_PATH: Use this connection profiles file instead of '~/.frodo/Connections.json'.
  FRODO_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE: Name of a login journey to use.
  FRODO_DEBUG: Set to any value to enable debug output. Same as '--debug'.
  FRODO_MASTER_KEY_PATH: Use this master key file instead of '~/.frodo/masterkey.key' file.
  FRODO_MASTER_KEY: Use this master key instead of what's in '~/.frodo/masterkey.key'. Takes precedence over FRODO_MASTER_KEY_PATH.