rockchip-linux / mpp

Media Process Platform (MPP) module
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Configuration for 0x42e01f profile (as supported by default in browser) #168

Open jpiat opened 3 years ago

jpiat commented 3 years ago


i'm trying to get the H264 output compatible with default supported profile in chrome/chromium but cannot get it work. I have set the profile to 66 (for 0x42), but then whatever i change regarding h264:level or other configuration the profile i get is 0x42c029. Where can i affect the constrain flags ? How can i get a level lower than 40 for a 1080 stream ?


HermanChen commented 3 years ago Can you add mpp_log here and check your level_idc config for 1080p is correct or not. It is better use new string config interface to setup level_idc.

jpiat commented 3 years ago

ok, fomr what i see here, wahtever the lvel i set in the configuration, a minimum level is enforced using the frame size. The level is that last part of the profile, but what about the constraint flags ? Browser support 0x00 (no flags) and 0xe0 (all flags) but the mpp encoder default to 0xc0 and i can't seem to find how to affect this.

HermanChen commented 3 years ago You can change constraint flag here.