rockchip-linux / mpp

Media Process Platform (MPP) module
528 stars 161 forks source link

最新版本 #224

Open jiale-gdyd opened 3 years ago

jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago

解码H264视频没问题,但是解码jpg图片会抛出段错误异常 "mpp_dec_parser" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

FumasterLin commented 3 years ago

本地测试没问题 1、git log看一下 2、如何复现的?

jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago

commit ac4c6718fc8661fe80b5309dd2f4526cf0b7953c (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD) Author: Johnson Ding Date: Tue Jul 20 15:25:58 2021 +0800

[vepu_common]: Support RGBA little endian format

Change-Id: Ic7a390a1db11d3416f1783d72c7be3a052bb6e89
Signed-off-by: Johnson Ding <>

commit 9274775ae9c66605fa2ae5a1375f98f11700191e Author: Johnson Ding Date: Mon Jul 19 18:06:05 2021 +0800

[jpegd]: Support RGB 16-bit format output

Change-Id: I54763a031b538c24860573e3c639c79a978e4a58
Signed-off-by: Johnson Ding <>

commit be76be4634c591d3a536e61402405c4978930e0b Author: Herman Chen Date: Wed Aug 11 09:39:26 2021 +0800

[hal_jpegd_vdpu]: Add pp switch for MppDev

Change-Id: I9e38ac2097b4fff6e33fd8c4fd9f16fbe92adf68
Signed-off-by: Herman Chen <>
Signed-off-by: Yandong Lin <>

commit 957b5e0365ecd6db7fd0557daefc5a589ea09419 Author: sayon.chen Date: Fri Aug 6 10:37:08 2021 +0800

[h265e_ps]: Svc case disable tmvp_en

Change-Id: I93068be4cc528c228258c757d6bd05bb18245212
Signed-off-by: sayon.chen <>

commit 49f29006a3c728bb3570279b7b5407ec29e09f6d

就是使用rkmedia中的rkmedia_vdec_test.c测试发现的,视频解码时没有问题的,但是JPG解码就不行。mpp version: 2ceca7b5 author: sayon.chen 2021-07-01 [hal_jpege_vpu]: Fix qtable memory leak这个版本是OK的

qvoid commented 3 years ago


jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago

mpp[3683]: mpp_info: mpp version: c7ed08c9 author: Yandong Lin 2021-08-16 [h264d_parser]: optimize the size of some struct mpp[3683]: mpp_rt: NOT found ion allocator mpp[3683]: mpp_rt: found drm allocator [New LWP 3690] [New LWP 3691] mpp[3683]: mpp_info: mpp version: c7ed08c9 author: Yandong Lin 2021-08-16 [h264d_parser]: optimize the size of some struct [New LWP 3692] [New LWP 3693] [New LWP 3694] [New LWP 3695] [New LWP 3696] [New LWP 3697] [New LWP 3698] [New LWP 3699] [New LWP 3700] [New LWP 3701] [LWP 3695 exited] [New LWP 3702]

Thread 10 "mpp_dec_parser" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 3692] 0x9c60f140 in ?? () from /lib/ (gdb) bt

0 0x9c60f140 in ?? () from /lib/

1 0xa150be08 in ?? () from /oem/usr/lib/

Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?) (gdb)

jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago

只能看到这个。根据mpp_dec_parser这个,应该是mpp/codec/mpp_dec.cpp --> void mpp_dec_parser_thread(void data)这个线程出现问题了

qvoid commented 3 years ago


mpi_dec_test -i <input.jpg> -t 8 -w <width> -h <height>


mpi_dec_test 在MPP的编译后的build/linux目录下可以找到

jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago

Starting program: /root/xindun/mpi_dec_test -i /root/xindun/signal.jpg -t 8 -w 1280 -h 720 warning: Unable to find libthread_db matching inferior's thread library, thread debugging will not be available. mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_utils: cmd parse result: mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_utils: input file name: /root/xindun/signal.jpg mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_utils: output file name: mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_utils: config file name: mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_utils: width : 1280 mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_utils: height : 720 mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_utils: type : 8 mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_utils: debug flag : 0 mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_utils: max frames : 0 mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test start mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_test: input file size 45585 mpp[3807]: mpp_rt: NOT found ion allocator mpp[3807]: mpp_rt: found drm allocator mpp[3807]: mpp_info: mpp version: c7ed08c9 author: Yandong Lin 2021-08-16 [h264d_parser]: optimize the size of some struct mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_test: 0x2fea0 mpi_dec_test decoder test start w 1280 h 720 type 8 [New LWP 3808] mpp[3807]: mpp_device: mpp_dev_init found unsupported client type 3 in platform 50202 mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_setup_output_fmt dev type 1 -> 3 switch failed ret -6 mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_gen_regs setup output format 0 failed mpp[3807]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory mpp[3807]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_poll ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 5 Input/output error mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait poll cmd failed 5 mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_test: 0x2fea0 decoded frame 0 mpp[3807]: mpp_device: mpp_dev_init found unsupported client type 3 in platform 50202 mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_setup_output_fmt dev type 1 -> 3 switch failed ret -6 mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_gen_regs setup output format 0 failed mpp[3807]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start send cmd failed 12 mpp[3807]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_poll ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 5 Input/output error mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait poll cmd failed 5 mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_test: 0x2fea0 decoded frame 1 mpp[3807]: mpp_device: mpp_dev_init found unsupported client type 3 in platform 50202 mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_setup_output_fmt dev type 1 -> 3 switch failed ret -6 mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_gen_regs setup output format 0 failed mpp[3807]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start send cmd failed 12 mpp[3807]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_poll ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 5 Input/output error mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait poll cmd failed 5 mpp[3807]: mpi_dec_test: 0x2fea0 decoded frame 2 mpp[3807]: mpp_device: mpp_dev_init found unsupported client type 3 in platform 50202 mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_setup_output_fmt dev type 1 -> 3 switch failed ret -6 mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_gen_regs setup output format 0 failed mpp[3807]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory mpp[3807]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start send cmd failed 12


HermanChen commented 3 years ago

这个是什么芯片平台?跑下 mpp_platform_test

jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago


jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago


HermanChen commented 3 years ago


jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago


HermanChen commented 3 years ago

有出错 log 么?

jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago

Thread 10 "mpp_dec_parser" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 695] 0x9c670140 in ?? () from /lib/ (gdb) bt

0 0x9c670140 in ?? () from /lib/

1 0xa156ce08 in ?? () from /oem/usr/lib/

Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?) (gdb)

HermanChen commented 3 years ago


jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago

Thread 10 "mpp_dec_parser" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 1155] 0x9c5da140 in ?? () from /lib/ (gdb) bt

0 0x9c5da140 in ?? () from /lib/

1 0xa14d702c in ?? () from /oem/usr/lib/

Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?) (gdb)


jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago

width:[1280], height:[720], path:[./signal.jpg], mode:[hard], type:[jpeg], calib:[false], flip:[n] opencv version:[4.5.3] mpp[1176]: mpp_info: mpp version: 2ceca7b5 author: sayon.chen 2021-07-01 [hal_jpege_vpu]: Fix qtable memory leak mpp[1176]: mpp_rt: NOT found ion allocator mpp[1176]: mpp_rt: found drm allocator mpp[1176]: mpp_info: mpp version: 2ceca7b5 author: sayon.chen 2021-07-01 [hal_jpege_vpu]: Fix qtable memory leak


HermanChen commented 3 years ago

了解,可以二分法试下看看哪个版本出现的问题…… 我们这边测试 这里的最新版本应该是好的

jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago

[drm]: Add DRM_CLOEXEC|DRM_RDWR flag on fd import …

  1. Add drm fd open flag.
  2. Remove unused handle process on mmap. Change-Id: Id0b29b8914c1e8e8ae6af40877df21f73b46346e Signed-off-by: Jeffy Chen @HermanChen HermanChen committed on 15 Jul


HermanChen commented 3 years ago

了解,这个补丁后面还有几个 drm 的补丁,主要是修改 drm fd 打开时候的访问权限问题

HermanChen commented 3 years ago

可能外部分配的 buffer 也要修改下。

jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago


jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago


Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

我碰到了一样的问题,我去看了一下代码,意思是如果解码 jpeg 输出要是默认以外的格式都要使用 PP 结尾的解码器?

rv1126 的支持列表里面没有 PP 结尾的解码类型,意思是 rv1126 的 VPU 硬件上不支持 post process 吗?

HermanChen commented 3 years ago

测试试一下 这里的最新版本,看看还会不会有问题

HermanChen commented 3 years ago


Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

@HermanChen 还是有问题

mpp[899]: mpp_rt: NOT found ion allocator
mpp[899]: mpp_rt: found drm allocator
mpp[899]: mpp_info: mpp version: 0faeb94 author: Johnson Ding   2021-08-23 [hal_jpegd]: Check output format  before decoding
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_init exit
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: detail: 0x8c4600 control cmd 0031000a param 0xaef01434 start
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: ctrl proc 0 cmd 0031000a
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_control enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_control exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_control enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: output_format:2
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_control exit ret 0
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: ctrl proc 1 done send 1
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: mpp_pkt_in_rdy 0
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: detail: 0x8c4600 control cmd 0031000a param 0xaef01434 finish
unsupported descriptor subtype VS_STILL_IMAGE_FRAME
unsupported descriptor subtype VS_COLORFORMAT
unsupported descriptor subtype VS_STILL_IMAGE_FRAME
unsupported descriptor subtype VS_COLORFORMAT
bmHint: 0001
bFormatIndex: 2
bFrameIndex: 10
dwFrameInterval: 333333
wKeyFrameRate: 0
wPFrameRate: 0
wCompQuality: 0
wCompWindowSize: 0
wDelay: 32
dwMaxVideoFrameSize: 1843200
dwMaxPayloadTransferSize: 3072
bInterfaceNumber: 1
attempt to claim already-claimed interface 1
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: mpp_pkt_in_rdy 0
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: poll ready
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: task in ready
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_prepare enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_split_frame enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_split_frame exit
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_prepare exit
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_parse enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_decode_frame enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_decode_frame exit
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_allocate_frame enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_allocate_frame exit
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_update_frame enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_update_frame exit
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_parse exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_gen_regs enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_setup_output_fmt enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_setup_output_fmt exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_gen_regs enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_regs_init enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_regs_init exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_write_code_word_number enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_write_code_word_number exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_write_qp_ac_dc_table enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_write_qp_ac_dc_table exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_set_chroma_table_id enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_set_chroma_table_id exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_set_stream_offset enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_set_stream_offset exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: output_frame_fd:2, reg131:2
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_gen_regs exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_gen_regs exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start enter
mpp[899]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 14 Bad address
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start send cmd failed 14
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait enter
mpp[899]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_poll ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 5 Input/output error
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait poll cmd failed 5
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait exit
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: mpp_pkt_in_rdy 0
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: mpp_pkt_in_rdy 0
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: poll ready
mpp[899]: mpp_dec: task in ready
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_prepare enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_split_frame enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_split_frame exit
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_prepare exit
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_parse enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_decode_frame enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_decode_frame exit
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_allocate_frame enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_allocate_frame exit
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_update_frame enter
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_update_frame exit
mpp[899]: jpegd_parser: jpegd_parse exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_gen_regs enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_setup_output_fmt enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_setup_output_fmt exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_gen_regs enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_regs_init enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_regs_init exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_write_code_word_number enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_write_code_word_number exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_write_qp_ac_dc_table enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEGD_COMMON: jpegd_write_qp_ac_dc_table exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_set_chroma_table_id enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_set_chroma_table_id exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_set_stream_offset enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_set_stream_offset exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp enter
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: output_frame_fd:2, reg131:2
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_gen_regs exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_gen_regs exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start enter
mpp[899]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start send cmd failed 12
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start exit
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait enter
^Cmpp[899]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_poll ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 5 Input/output error
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait poll cmd failed 5
mpp[899]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait exit
Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

@HermanChen mpi_dec_test 的日志

linaro@rv1126:~$ sudo mpi_dec_test -i ./IMG_20210709_202627R_20210709_202718093.jpg -o jpg.bin -width 960 -height 1280 -t 8 -d
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_utils: invalid debug flag
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_utils: cmd parse result:
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_utils: input  file name: ./IMG_20210709_202627R_20210709_202718093.jpg
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_utils: output file name: jpg.bin
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_utils: config file name:
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_utils: width      :  960
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_utils: height     : 1280
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_utils: type       : 8
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_utils: debug flag : 0
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_utils: max frames : 0
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test start
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_test: input file size 85561
mpp[460]: mpp_rt: NOT found ion allocator
mpp[460]: mpp_rt: found drm allocator
mpp[460]: mpp_info: mpp version: 0faeb94 author: Johnson Ding   2021-08-23 [hal_jpegd]: Check output format  before decoding
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_test: 0x43d1a0 mpi_dec_test decoder test start w 960 h 1280 type 8
mpp[460]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[460]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 14 Bad address
mpp[460]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start send cmd failed 14
mpp[460]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_poll ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 5 Input/output error
mpp[460]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait poll cmd failed 5
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_test: 0x43d1a0 decoded frame 0
mpp[460]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[460]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
mpp[460]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start send cmd failed 12
mpp[460]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_poll ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 5 Input/output error
mpp[460]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait poll cmd failed 5
mpp[460]: mpi_dec_test: 0x43d1a0 decoded frame 1
mpp[460]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[460]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
mpp[460]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start send cmd failed 12
Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

@HermanChen 我应该升级内核么?我看是系统调用报的错。

HermanChen commented 3 years ago

看下编译的时候有没有加上 HAVE_DRM?

jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago

我拉取了[vepu_common]: Support RGBA little endian format Change-Id: If896999f442b58078543b46404799ee1f3cb3dd1 Signed-off-by: Johnson Ding johnson.ding@rock-chips.com这提交的代码,然后将[drm]: Add DRM_CLOEXEC|DRM_RDWR flag on fd import

  1. Add drm fd open flag.
  2. Remove unused handle process on mmap.

Change-Id: Id0b29b8914c1e8e8ae6af40877df21f73b46346e Signed-off-by: Jeffy Chen jeffy.chen@rock-chips.com该回去的是可以的,最新的没测试

FumasterLin commented 3 years ago


diff --git a/build/linux/arm/make-Makefiles.bash b/build/linux/arm/make-Makefiles.bash
index 9dcbc7e8..1e891339 100755
--- a/build/linux/arm/make-Makefiles.bash
+++ b/build/linux/arm/make-Makefiles.bash
@@ -24,5 +24,6 @@ fi
 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
       -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./arm.linux.cross.cmake \
+      -DHAVE_DRM=ON \
       -G "Unix Makefiles" \
Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

@FumasterLin 加上这个也一样,最新版本

FumasterLin commented 3 years ago


Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

@FumasterLin 截了一小段 make VERBOSE=1 的日志,可以看到 HAVE_DRM 标志已经生效,编译时有这个 flag

[  0%] Building CXX object osal/CMakeFiles/osal.dir/mpp_soc.cpp.o
cd /home/deepdot/rv1126/rv1126rp_src/extra/hermanmpp/build/linux/arm/osal && /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++  -DARMLINUX -DHAVE_DRM -D__gnu_linux__ -I/home/deepdot/rv1126/rv1126rp_src/extra/hermanmpp/inc -I/home/deepdot/rv1126/rv1126rp_src/extra/hermanmpp/utils -I/home/deepdot/rv1126/rv1126rp_src/extra/hermanmpp/osal/inc -I/home/deepdot/rv1126/rv1126rp_src/extra/hermanmpp/osal -I/home/deepdot/rv1126/rv1126rp_src/extra/hermanmpp/osal/allocator -I/home/deepdot/rv1126/rv1126rp_src/extra/hermanmpp/osal/driver/inc  -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fPIC -O3 -DNDEBUG   -fPIC -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -ffast-math -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon -Wno-multichar -fPIC -o CMakeFiles/osal.dir/mpp_soc.cpp.o -c /home/deepdot/rv1126/rv1126rp_src/extra/hermanmpp/osal/mpp_soc.cpp
FumasterLin commented 3 years ago


-- compile with drm support

Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

@FumasterLin 有。

-- cmake version 3.16.3
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 10.3.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 10.3.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Detected ARMv7 system processor
-- Performing Test GCC_HAS_NO_NARROWING
-- Performing Test GCC_HAS_NO_NARROWING - Success
-- Performing Test GCC_HAS_STACK_REALIGN
-- Performing Test GCC_HAS_STACK_REALIGN - Failed
-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.27.0")
-- current version:
-- 0faeb94 author: Johnson Ding   2021-08-23 [hal_jpegd]: Check output format  before decoding
-- git version history:
-- 0faeb94 author: Johnson Ding   2021-08-23 [hal_jpegd]: Check output format  before decoding  (grafted, HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD)
-- total 1 git version recorded
-- Install git hooks done
-- Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
-- Checking for one of the modules 'pthread'
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- compile with drm support
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
CMake Warning:
  Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:


-- Build files have been written to: /home/deepdot/rv1126/rv1126rp_src/extra/hermanmpp/build/linux/arm
FumasterLin commented 3 years ago



Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

@HermanChen 是我弄错了😂,install 位置不对,一直没有装上重新编译的版本。重新测试还是有一个报错,不过看起来是正常的?

mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_utils: cmd parse result:
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_utils: input  file name: /home/rpdzkj/IMG_20210709_202627R_20210709_202718093.jpg
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_utils: output file name: jpg.bin
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_utils: config file name:
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_utils: width      :  960
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_utils: height     : 1280
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_utils: type       : 8
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_utils: debug flag : 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_utils: max frames : 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test start
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: input file size 85561
mpp[1490]: mpp_rt: NOT found ion allocator
mpp[1490]: mpp_rt: found drm allocator
mpp[1490]: mpp_info: mpp version: 0faeb94 author: Johnson Ding   2021-08-23 [hal_jpegd]: Check output format  before decoding
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 mpi_dec_test decoder test start w 960 h 1280 type 8
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
- mpp[1490]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 14 Bad address
- mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start send cmd failed 14
- mpp[1490]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_poll ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 5 Input/output error
- mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait poll cmd failed 5
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 0
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 1
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 2
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 3
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 4
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 5
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 6
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 7
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 8
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 9
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 10
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[1490]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4f11a0 decoded frame 11
mpp[1490]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

@HermanChen 解出来的输出是全 0,还是不行

Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

@FumasterLin 解 h264 也不行

rpdzkj@rv1126rp:~/Documents/app/build$ sudo mpi_dec_test -i ~/solarpower.h264 -o h264.bin -width 1920 -height 1080 -t 7 -n 1
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_utils: cmd parse result:
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_utils: input  file name: /home/rpdzkj/solarpower.h264
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_utils: output file name: h264.bin
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_utils: config file name:
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_utils: width      : 1920
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_utils: height     : 1080
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_utils: type       : 7
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_utils: debug flag : 0
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_utils: max frames : 1
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test start
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_test: input file size 78231609
mpp[2245]: mpp_info: mpp version: 0faeb94 author: Johnson Ding   2021-08-23 [hal_jpegd]: Check output format  before decoding
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4a88c0 mpi_dec_test decoder test start w 1920 h 1080 type 7
mpp[2245]: mpp_rt: NOT found ion allocator
mpp[2245]: mpp_rt: found drm allocator
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4a88c0 decode_get_frame get info changed found
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4a88c0 decoder require buffer w:h [1920:1080] stride [1920:1088] buf_size 4177920
mpp[2245]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 14 Bad address
mpp[2245]: hal_h264d_rkv_reg: rkv_h264d_start send cmd failed 14
mpp[2245]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_poll ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 5 Input/output error
mpp[2245]: hal_h264d_rkv_reg: rkv_h264d_wait poll cmd failed 5
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4a88c0 decode get frame 0 err 1 discard 0
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4a88c0 reach max frame number 1
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4a88c0 input 22 pkt output 2 frm decode 1 frames
mpp[2245]: mpi_dec_test: test success max memory 3.98 MB
rpdzkj@rv1126rp:~/Documents/app/build$ ls -lh h264.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 25 17:08 h264.bin
FumasterLin commented 3 years ago


diff --git a/osal/linux/os_allocator.c b/osal/linux/os_allocator.c
index b7dbfeea..03a7fb21 100644
--- a/osal/linux/os_allocator.c
+++ b/osal/linux/os_allocator.c
@@ -36,23 +36,15 @@ MPP_RET os_allocator_get(os_allocator *api, MppBufferType type)
         *api = allocator_std;
     } break;
     case MPP_BUFFER_TYPE_ION : {
-        *api = (mpp_rt_allcator_is_valid(MPP_BUFFER_TYPE_ION)) ? allocator_ion :
-               (mpp_rt_allcator_is_valid(MPP_BUFFER_TYPE_DRM)) ? allocator_drm :
-               allocator_std;
+        mpp_log("get drm alloc\n");
+        *api = allocator_drm;
     } break;
         *api = allocator_ext_dma;
     } break;
     case MPP_BUFFER_TYPE_DRM : {
-        *api = (mpp_rt_allcator_is_valid(MPP_BUFFER_TYPE_DRM)) ? allocator_drm :
-        * api =
-               (mpp_rt_allcator_is_valid(MPP_BUFFER_TYPE_ION)) ? allocator_ion :
-               allocator_std;
+        mpp_log("get drm alloc\n");
+        *api = allocator_drm;
     } break;
     default : {
         ret = MPP_NOK;
Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago

@FumasterLin 输出如下:

rpdzkj@rv1126rp:~$ sudo mpi_dec_test -i ~/IMG_20210709_202627R_20210709_202718093.jpg -o jpg.bin -width 960 -height 1280 -t 8 -f 0 -n 1
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_utils: cmd parse result:
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_utils: input  file name: /home/rpdzkj/IMG_20210709_202627R_20210709_202718093.jpg
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_utils: output file name: jpg.bin
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_utils: config file name:
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_utils: width      :  960
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_utils: height     : 1280
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_utils: type       : 8
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_utils: debug flag : 0
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_utils: max frames : 1
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test start
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_test: input file size 85561
mpp[2730]: mpp_log: get drm alloc
mpp[2730]: mpp_log: get drm alloc
mpp[2730]: mpp_info: mpp version: 0faeb94 author: Johnson Ding   2021-08-23 [hal_jpegd]: Check output format  before decoding
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4851a0 mpi_dec_test decoder test start w 960 h 1280 type 8
mpp[2730]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: jpegd_setup_pp pp_enable 0
mpp[2730]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_send ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 14 Bad address
mpp[2730]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_start send cmd failed 14
mpp[2730]: mpp_serivce: mpp_service_cmd_poll ioctl MPP_IOC_CFG_V1 failed ret -1 errno 5 Input/output error
mpp[2730]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait poll cmd failed 5
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4851a0 decoded frame 0
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_test: 0x4851a0 input 0 pkt output 0 frm decode 0 frames
mpp[2730]: mpi_dec_test: test success max memory 0.00 MB

另外,测试发现旧版本的 mpp 是可以用的,只是不能指定输出格式,rv1126 不带 PP 解码,所以需要使用 rga 来转码吗?

HermanChen commented 3 years ago

rv1126 不带 pp 功能,所以不要指定格式是比较好的

HermanChen commented 3 years ago


Jeffwhen commented 3 years ago


HermanChen commented 3 years ago


jiale-gdyd commented 3 years ago


解码H264视频没问题,但是解码jpg图片会抛出段错误异常 "mpp_dec_parser" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

如果我在最新的基础上,将以下提交的static MPP_RET os_allocator_drm_mmap(void ctx, MppBufferInfo data);函数该回去原来的话,解码h264/h265和jpg图片都是没有问题的

[drm]: Add DRM_CLOEXEC|DRM_RDWR flag on fd import …

  1. Add drm fd open flag.
  2. Remove unused handle process on mmap. Change-Id: Id0b29b8914c1e8e8ae6af40877df21f73b46346e Signed-off-by: Jeffy Chen @HermanChen HermanChen committed on 15 Jul
HermanChen commented 3 years ago

fd 标志问题需要在分配 drm 内存时也加上这个 flag,这样就可以解决这个问题