Hi, I found my old 2012 MP4 powered by RKNanoB. I successfully compiled rkdeveloptool in linux, put the device on maskrom mode throw "Firmware update" option from the device settings and when I run this
./rkdeveloptool ld
I got this:
DevNo=1 Vid=0x71b,Pid=0x3226,LocationID=201 Maskrom
But when I try any other command, always get the same error.
./rkdeveloptool rcb
Read capability quit, creating comm object failed!
./rkdeveloptool rid
Read Flash ID quit, creating comm object failed!
./rkdeveloptool rci
Read Chip Info quit, creating comm object failed!
Same happends with ppt, rl, td and rd. I want to dump the firmware from it to change some background images and rewrite (if possible) some functionalities of the device.
Hi, I found my old 2012 MP4 powered by RKNanoB. I successfully compiled rkdeveloptool in linux, put the device on maskrom mode throw "Firmware update" option from the device settings and when I run this
./rkdeveloptool ld
I got this:
DevNo=1 Vid=0x71b,Pid=0x3226,LocationID=201 Maskrom
But when I try any other command, always get the same error.
Same happends with ppt, rl, td and rd. I want to dump the firmware from it to change some background images and rewrite (if possible) some functionalities of the device.