rockchip-linux / rknn-toolkit

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Face recognition using FaceNet and RKNN #118

Open VistanaGit opened 2 years ago

VistanaGit commented 2 years ago

I have an issue about face recognition using FaceNet on RKNN. My main problem is how use converted model (I already converted pb model to rknn) embedding and recognition process. The steps that I did for this puprpose id as follows,

  1. facenet orginal model:

    Downloaded file from above link is: 20180402-114759.pb

  2. python script to convert orginal model to rknn model: As described in :

    Our script for this conversion (inspired from the above link) is as follows:

    import cv2 import numpy as np

    from rknn.api import RKNN INPUT_SIZE = 160

    if name == 'main':

    # Create RKNN object
    rknn = RKNN(verbose=True, verbose_file='./test1.log')
    # Config for Model Input PreProcess
    rknn.config(channel_mean_value='0 0 0 1', reorder_channel='0 1 2')
    print('config done')
    #load tensorflow model
    print('--> Loading model')
                         input_size_list=[[INPUT_SIZE, INPUT_SIZE, 3]])                  
    # Build Model
    print('--> Building model'), dataset='./dataset.txt')
    # Export RKNN Model
  3. Run rknn model,

    The problem is here:

    After run the rknn model, logically, the output data from the orginal pb model (named as in own script) and Reshape_1.npy (named in own script) from rknn model ashould be same but they are different. But it's actually different. Output: pc_data.shape: (1, 512) u_data.shape: (1, 1, 512) For this difference, we reshped the rknn output to (1,512). After this reshape, the model is working file, but the distance matrix is quite far from expected reult and the recognition will be failed

    Script for run model and face recognition is as follows:

    Create RKNN object

    rknn = RKNN(verbose=True, verbose_file='./test2.log')
    # Load rknn model
    print('--> Loading rknn model')
    # init runtime environment
    print('--> Init runtime environment')
    ret = rknn.init_runtime(target='rk1808', device_id='a47426cd0f5f162b')
    #ret = rknn.init_runtime(target='rk1808', target_sub_class='AICS')
    if ret != 0:
        print('Init runtime environment failed')


    print('--> Running model') curImg_out_emd = rknn.inference(inputs=[img]) print('done')

    curImg_out_emd_array= np.array(curImg_out_emd) curImg_out_emd_reshaped = curImg_out_emd_array.reshape(1,512) ###### THE RESHAPE PART THET WE DID print('curImg_out_emd shape: ' + str(curImg_out_emd_reshaped.shape))

    Calculate distance matrix

    print('Distace matrix:') for i in range(len(np_ds_list)):

    print(' %1d ' % i, end='')

    dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(np_ds_list[i][0,:], curImg_out_emd_reshaped[0])))) ## DISTANCE FOR RECOGNITION
    #print(f'{str(i):<4}' + '      ' + f'{str(npyFileNames[i]):<25}' + '      '  + '% 1.4f' % dist)
    if dist < 0.20:
        print(f'{str(i):<4}' + '      ' + f'{str(npyFileNames[i]):<25}' + '      '  + '% 1.4f' % dist)
    if npyFileNames[i] == "User_Name":
       print(str(i) + '      ' + f'{str(npyFileNames[i]):<10}' + '      '  + '% 1.4f' % dist)                    

As we test the output from orginal pm model is working properly but the output from rknn is different, especially for larget dataset test.

Question: How set the parameter for model conversion? How change the output shape from rknn to be consistet with pb model ()with emebedding, Relu4 or any others) How measure the distance from rknn model out model from instances in dataset?

eRaul commented 2 years ago
  1. When the model is converted, the mean_values ​​and std_values (channel_mean_values is deprecated) ​set in the config interface should be the same as those during model training. If the RGB image is used for training, reorder_channel should be set to '0 1 2', otherwise set to '2 1 0'.
  2. RKNN Toolkit will put all outputs to a list, so if you want to get first output, you can get it with outputs[0], the outputs[0]`s shape should be same with pb.
  3. You can use the cosine distance to evaluate the difference between the results of the original model. For floating-point models, the cosine example is usually greater than 0.99 to be normal.
iwantofun commented 10 months ago

As we test the output from orginal pm model is working properly but the output from rknn is different, especially for larget dataset test.

I am facing the same issue, do you solve the problem ?