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singularity on HPC with slurm #837

Open laurie-tonon opened 1 month ago

laurie-tonon commented 1 month ago


I would like to create singularity machines with rstudio servers for my projects and use them on our HPC cluster. I started by following your tutorial here:, but when I run the job, it stops instantly. I've tried running an interactive job and then executing the script commands, and I get the following error:

TTY detected. Printing informational message about logging configuration. Logging configuration loaded from '/etc/rstudio/logging.conf'. Logging to 'syslog'.
2024-08-05T13:46:31.825727Z [rserver] ERROR Attempt to run server as user 'rstudio-server' (uid 999) from account 'tonon' (uid 10004) without privilege, which is required to run as a different uid; LOGGED FROM: virtual rstudio::core::ProgramStatus rstudio::server::Options::read(int, char* const*, std::ostream&) src/cpp/server/ServerOptions.cpp:318

If I understand correctly, in the container, I am myself (user tonon) but only the user rstudio-server can launch the server?

How can I start the rstudio-server with my account?

Thanks a lot


benz0li commented 1 month ago

Cross reference:

eddelbuettel commented 1 month ago

I can never shake the feeling that there is a bit of an impedance mismatch here. When I used slurm for batch jobs, those were never interactive. Now the 'rm' in 'slurm' stands for 'resource manager' so maybe it is appropriate to try to manage RStudio sessions that way. But it still feels a bit odd. But I haven't worked in an HPC setting in some time so maybe things are different now, or different in your place.

cboettig commented 1 month ago

@laurie-tonon thanks for reporting, I think this is a limitation of rstudio-server setup. It is possible to run an rstudio session as non-root though; e.g. the rocker/binder image is set up to do this already (via jupyterhub and rsession-proxy). Can you give that a try?

@eddelbuettel I totally hear you on this mismatch between HPC and interactive use, but in my experience I think this issue often reflects a miss-match between computing needs in many research settings and computing providers. Many university HPC centers have been providing batch-based compute since long before interactive computing was even a thing, and most continue operate exclusively this way. I have seen very few HPC managers say "sure we'll set up a k8s cluster for on demand needs!" I have seen many respond "we can run any compute you need, so long as it runs on our SLURM queue." For instance, take a look at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab's recent efforts with "Open OnDemand"

Personally I agree with you that this seems a bit of an impedance mismatch, and most of the time everyone would be much better off if more university HPC centers might consider running any of the highly polished kubernetes solutions out there....

nathanweeks commented 1 month ago

@laurie-tonon This looks like the error that was resolved in, which I now noticed updated only the "Running a Rocker Singularity container with password authentication" section, though the rserver --server-user=$(whoami) (or equivalent) option is required for the rserver commands in the other sections in that guide as well (mea culpa for not looking at the PR closely).

Could try adding--server-user=$(whoami) to the rserver command to see if that resolves the issue?

mdsumner commented 3 weeks ago

I build for singularity like this from docker hub, fwiw:

module load singularity/4.1.0-slurm

singularity pull --force --dir $MYSOFTWARE/sif_lib docker://project/image:main

then I launch it using a script provided here

instructs here (not your system probably but might help)

mdsumner commented 2 weeks ago

I only just figured out there's no need for the docker hub intermediary, we can go straight from

## example from packages here
singularity pull --dir <my_sif_dir/>