I want to wakeup on analog comparator interrupt - is that possible to implement?
at the moment iam using powerDown(500ms) and than I check if there is a interrupt.
Can I check permanent and kill all other stuff?
I think in power down mode, it might be impossible to implement as the analog comparator needs the IO clock to operate. It can only be enabled in idle mode (pg 40) and normal active mode (of course!).
Hi and thank you for the great work
I want to wakeup on analog comparator interrupt - is that possible to implement? at the moment iam using powerDown(500ms) and than I check if there is a interrupt. Can I check permanent and kill all other stuff?
ACSR = B01011000; ..... ISR(ANALOG_COMP_vect) { //interrupt ! ACSR = ACSR & 0b11110111 ; //toggle Interrupt Flag //Flag toggleed }