rockfireredmoon / iceee

Earth Eternal is an abandoned MMORPG now kept alive by this project. This is the Git repository for TAWD, the server component.
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Windows/tabs to sharpen the feel of the game #12

Open Heathendel opened 9 years ago

Heathendel commented 9 years ago

I was just considering this the other day and think its a good idea, and a good way to give the server a more professional feeling.

The idea is to add some small tabs for certain things aren't currently working or were never created.

/commands are convenient but a bit sloppy as far as appearance.

Here are some of things I think need adding: PARTY SYSTEM: /partyinvite "playername" isnt exactly the simplest way to group together. Maybe we could reintroduce the right clicking on someones name give you the option to party invite them. It would eliminate another /command and its actually a system a lot of games have. In addition friends list and guild tabs would also give party options from right clicking on their name.

DUELING SYSTEM: At some point we will improve our excuse for PVP and add team matches new types of matches etc. Right now all our system is, is a dueling system. So we might as well add that to the list of options you get from right clicking on a player. My thoughts were we could use the animation circle for abilities like froststorm or Morass to form a boundary thats present during the duel. Players are locked in that area until the battles over, if thats no possible we can have it so the duel ends if one player leaves the circle. Its basically all our pvp is anyways so may as well add it as what it is dueling.

PVP: While were on the topic of PVP I figured I should add the an idea to replace the /pvp command in place. Although SPMs giant wall that apparently went to an arena in the middle of town idea :P they were on the right track im not if we could maybe add a carriage with an NPCs in each major city that would warp you to PVP. The other idea is having a PVP noticeboard prop made and have it set up where you interact with it and a PVP interface shows up showing available matches to join or to queue for a new match unless we can make a auto match up system in place. This would eliminate another /command and give us the option for things like tournaments (if we ever get the kind of pop to do that ) where a tournament would take place over a weeks period with multiple matches or teams with nice rewards for winning matches and the tourney.

GROVE WARP: This one might be tricky if we cant change the need to be at a Sanctuary for Grove warping. My idea however was to have groves be what they appear as land that you own. Essentially a player home. This idea would require you to receive your grove rather then just have it but perhaps early on we could have a quick quest of earn your property you help someone whos land (blend grove) has been overrun or has some problem something easy obviously. After helping him he decides to retire and offer you his land saying hes left no trace of himself there and its a fresh piece of dirt. From there every town or city would have some NPC or carriage type area where you could travel Home. Just an idea to remove one of the last /commands i havent covered we could probably do this with out the quest idea i just thought it would a way we could even add a tutorial to grove building so more players can get into it. I know Em mentioned revamping the grove building system so maybe we could look into that possibility then.

LOOT SYSTEM: This would be a tab for groups where the party would agree before starting how they will divide the loot and the party leader would then set that system. Ones that come to mind are Need and Greed, Loot Master ( party leader can collect loot to be divided after) and perhaps a class restricted loot system (where if you can use the item you are unable to pick it up)

PET VENDOR: The Cosmetic pets are a fun little feature, but the window that opens with the /pet command is a bit messy. Would be cool if we could have Pet vendors in major Cities and towns where a preview key would display a small picture of the pet rather then briefly spawn it.

CRAFTING WINDOW: although the new crafting system will feature this anyways i figured i'd add it to this list just for the heck of it. Crafting tab would display a more organized and detailed window to show you what plans you know how to make and when selected display lvl, materials, stats.

MOUNT VENDOR: This is another one that i assume will be added when the content is actually finished but having Mount Vendors in each Major City again with preview pics of the mount would be a nice touch.

AUCTION HOUSE: This feature would be fairly low priority but I've heard grumblings for an Auction House ever since open beta in SPM, so an Auction house again in Major Cities and Towns would be a popular feature and again may encourage trade more, but will be fairly useless feature until player numbers start to rise nevertheless would be good to have even if its not used as much early on.

~~WEAPON RE-FASHIONER: The feature to refashion weapons has been amongst the most popular as small as it is. However i think either making Armor refashioners into Equipment Re-fashioners which could do both armor and weapons would be a good thing even though some players will dislike not being able to refashion anywhere there will be much less lost and destroyed items which means less heart ache for Emerald when people come complaining about their lost item. ~~

Those are some major ones ive thought of im sure there are more we could add but these would be commonly used ones.

rockfireredmoon commented 9 years ago

Weapon refashioning already done.