in the camalot and lakeshore keep area I can not type any of the build commands or /copypos . The rubberbanding and lag is NUTS and I have a very expencive computer with T1 internet so there is a major scripting error in this part of the work that needs a rebuild. If we cant locate the issue we mayneed to rebuild the codeing structer to repair the area from the gound up.
Reported By: Sage Grizzlybearking Category: OTHER
in the camalot and lakeshore keep area I can not type any of the build commands or /copypos . The rubberbanding and lag is NUTS and I have a very expencive computer with T1 internet so there is a major scripting error in this part of the work that needs a rebuild. If we cant locate the issue we mayneed to rebuild the codeing structer to repair the area from the gound up.