6.) Programing tab:
Was an interface for accessing the game code wile in the game with a clip board that had an orginized list of copy paste
codes on the side for functions. This tool let you animate props and edit world functions and gave you a database of
pretyped code to use.
7.) Dev abilities tab:
This tab was like an ability page of Dev powers Like fire ball that dose 50000 damage, kill all mobs in an area for a
fire balls that do 50000 damage, rez and fully heal target, kill every player in an area with metior storm, transform,
invisable and others. you could drag them to your skill bars like powers and use them like nomal abilitys. Kit showed
me how to access these abilitys with /af # micros.
Reported By: Sage Grizzlybearking Category: OTHER
6.) Programing tab: Was an interface for accessing the game code wile in the game with a clip board that had an orginized list of copy paste codes on the side for functions. This tool let you animate props and edit world functions and gave you a database of pretyped code to use.
7.) Dev abilities tab: This tab was like an ability page of Dev powers Like fire ball that dose 50000 damage, kill all mobs in an area for a fire balls that do 50000 damage, rez and fully heal target, kill every player in an area with metior storm, transform, invisable and others. you could drag them to your skill bars like powers and use them like nomal abilitys. Kit showed me how to access these abilitys with /af # micros.