rockiger / reactpress

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Issue with React - Router clean urls 404'ing #41

Closed wlaurance closed 1 year ago

wlaurance commented 1 year ago


I believe this used to work but when I do a hard refresh on a URL that should be a react-router handled URL it will 404.

I setup my app / wordpress locally and it worked for a bit, then I toggled the checkbox


and added a new page, removed the new page, and checked the box again to recreate. So somehow I'm able to get it into a state where the full clean urls do not use the target page.

Any ideas? thanks

rockiger commented 1 year ago

I have to investigate this. Client-site-routing with clean URLs is tricky because we have to tell WordPress that it should ignore the path. I don't know what WordPress is doing internally.

My first advice would be to use <HashRouter> if you can. It will add a # into your URL, everything else stays the same.

sbettwieser commented 1 year ago

My team is also having this issue with Clean URLs and <BrowserRouter>.

rockiger commented 1 year ago

I will test this during easter.

jegenhoff commented 1 year ago

We were experiencing this issue with version 3.1.0.

Our app was originally published using version 2.1.3, and the issue arose after upgrading to 3.1.0. We downgraded to version 2.1.3, and noticed that the app's URL slug was not set. Re-added the slug, and then upgraded to 3.1.0. Now the url routing is working properly. It seems that something in the version update corrupted the url slug reference.

rockiger commented 1 year ago

My team is also having this issue with Clean URLs and .

Did you try @jegenhoff 's solution. I couldn't reproduce the error. On a new installation/app it is working fine for me.

Maadhav commented 5 months ago

I've identified a potential issue with the rewrite rule set by the ReactPress router. The original rule was set for this regex:


The double slash // seems to be erroneous, as standard URL patterns do not typically include this.

To resolve this, I added a custom rewrite rule and ensured it has the highest priority in the rewrite rules array. This prevents it from being overridden by other rules. Here's the code snippet for the custom rule:

function react_add_rewrite_rule($rules) {
    $newRules = array();
    // Corrected ReactPress rewrite rule
    $newRules['^demo/(.*)?'] = 'index.php?pagename=react-demo/';
    // Prioritize the new rule
    return $newRules + $rules;

add_filter('rewrite_rules_array', 'react_add_rewrite_rule');