rockkingjy / OpenTracker

Real-time C++ ECO tracker etc. speed-up by SSE/NEON, support Linux, Mac, Jetson TX1/2, raspberry pi
GNU General Public License v3.0
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I always get "Did not receive response" error #48

Open tiaozi123 opened 5 years ago

tiaozi123 commented 5 years ago

Testing TraX protocol support for tracker eco. TraX support detected. Experiment baseline Tracker eco Sequence bag Sequence ball1 Repetition 1 Tracker execution interrupted: Did not receive response. 错误使用 traxclient Did not receive response.

出错 tracker_run (line 78) data = traxclient(tracker.command, callback, ...

出错 experiment_supervised (line 71) data = tracker_run(tracker, @callback, data);

出错 tracker_evaluate (line 57) [files, metadata] = experiment_function(tracker, sequence, directory, parameters, scan);

出错 workspace_evaluate>execute_iterator (line 128) tracker_evaluate(event.tracker, event.sequence, event.experiment);

出错 iterate (line 65) context = iterator(event, context);

出错 workspace_evaluate (line 93) context = iterate(experiments, trackers, sequences, 'iterator', iterator, 'context', context);

出错 run_experiments (line 10) workspace_evaluate(tracker, sequences, experiments);

I look at the code,but I didn't see anything wrong。 Looking forward to your reply

tiaozi123 commented 5 years ago

this code is ECO

rockkingjy commented 5 years ago

@tiaozi123 that's the issue of TraX, try to comment all the debug()

Wulin123asda commented 1 year ago

have u solve this problem?
I always run a fixed number of pictures after this happens